Structural, elastic and electronic properties for M2 XC (M=Ti and Cr, X=Ga and Al) phases from ab initio calculations
B. Ghebouli 1) ; M.A. Ghebouli 2) ; M. Fatmi 3) ; N. Bouarissa 4) ; M. Benkerri 1) and I.A. Ibrahim 5) 1) Laboratory of Study of Surfaces and Interfaces of Solids Materials; Department of Physics; Faculty of Science; University of Setif; 19000; Algeria 2) Department of Physics; University Center; Bordj Bou-Arreridj 34000; Algeria 3) Research Unit on Emerging Materials; Ferhat Abbas University of Setif; 19000; Algeria 4) Department of Physics; Faculty of Sciences; King Khalid University; Abha; P.O. Box 9004; Arabia Saudia 5) Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute; P.O. Box: 87 Helwan 11424; Cairo; Egypt