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Acta Metallurgica Sinica
2010 Issue 1
Forming process and numerical simulation of making upset on oil drill pipe
Huaping TANG 1;2);Changqian HAO 1);Yongzheng JIANG 1) and Lei DU 1) 1) School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering;Central South University;Changsha 410083;China 2) School of Mechanical Engineering;Nantong University;Nantong 226007;China
Preparation of an ultrafine-grained Fe-40Al intermetallic compound
Jiqiang MA 1;2);Jun YANG 1);Qinling BI 1) and Weimin LIU 1) 1) State Key Laboratory of Solid Lubrication;Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Lanzhou 730000;China 2) Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100039;China
Abnormal saturation magnetization dependency on W content for Co-W thin films
Bo YANG;Gaowu QIN;Weili PEI;Yuping REN;Na XIAO and Xiang ZHAO Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials;Northeastern University;Shenyang 110004;China Katsunari OIKAWA Graduate School of Engineering;Tohoku University;Sendai 980-8579;Japan
Abnormal relationship between rust particles size and rust layer compactness of weathering steels
Ming ZHANG 1);Shanwu YANG 1);Hua ZHENG 2);Lili CHI 1) and Xinlai HE 1) 1) School of Materials Science and Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Beijing 100083;China 2) Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation;Wuhan 430080;China
Application of low-emissivity Pt layer on Ni alloy to high temperature
Zhibin HUANG;Wancheng ZHOU and Xiufeng TANG State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Northwestern Polytechnical University;Xi an 710072;China
Strengthening and toughening forming of Al/Al2O3 composite in pseudo-semi-solid state
Yuansheng CHENG and Shoujing LUO School of Materials Science & Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China
Effect of three dimensional stress state on unstable fracture condition and crack opening level in a new crack growth model
Fang WANG and Weicheng CUI China Ship Scientific Research Center;Wuxi 214082;China
Adsorption properties of Rosmarinus officinalis oil as green corrosion inhibitors on C38 steel in 0.5 M H2SO4
E.El Ouariachi 1);J.Paolini 2);M.Bouklah 1);A.Elidrissi 1);A.Bouyanzer 1);B.Hammouti 1);J-M.Desjobert 2) and J.Costa 2) 1) Laboratoire de Chimie Appliqu’ee et Environnement;Facult’e des Sciences;Universit’e Mohamed Premier;BP717;60 000 Oujda;Morocco 2) UMR CNRS 6134;Laboratoire de Chimie des Produits Naturels;Universit’e de Corse;France
Orientation factor analysis of deformation mechanisms under special processing techniques in AZ31 magnesium alloys
Ping YANG 1);Lina WANG 1;2);Xiao LI 1) and Li MENG 1) 1) School of Materials Science and Engineering;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Beijing 100083;China 2) Material Department;School of Tianjin;University of Science and Technology Beijing;Tianjin 301830;China
Numerical simulation of temperature field of AZ91D magnesium alloy during equal channel angular extrusion
Xiaohua ZHANG;Yuansheng CHENG and Shoujing LUO School of Materials Science and Engineering;Harbin Institute of Technology;Harbin 150001;China
Influence of adding carbon nanotubes and graphite to Ag-MoS2 composites on the electrical sliding wear properties
Shu LI;Yi FENG and Xiting YANG Department of Material Science and Engineering;Hefei University of Technology;Hefei 230009;China