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Chinese Journal of Computational Physics
2011 Issue 5
Ab-initio Study on Elastic Properties of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes
ZHANG Liyun;GU Xuewen;SONG Rongli;ZHANG Na
A High-order Unstructured-grid WENO FVM for Compressible Flow Computation
LEI Guodong;LI Wanai;Ren Yuxin
Structure and Property of(K3N)n(n=1,… ,5)Clusters: A Density Functional Study
CHEN Yuhong;WANG Weichao;DU Rui;ZHANG Zhilong;ZHANG Cairong
Thickness Dependence of Positive Exchange Bias in Ferromagnetic/Antiferromagnetic Bilayers
XU Xiaoyong;GU Jiayin;MENG Runan;LI Tian;HU Jingguo
Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Level Set Equation on Unstructured Grids
LIU Shuaiqiang;OUYANG Jie;RUAN Chunlei
Numerical Study of 2-dimensional Time Dependent Schr(o)dinger Equation
ZHANG Chunli;CHEN Suhua;YANG Zhenyu;CHE Jixin
Split-step Multisymplectic Integrator for Fourth-order Schr(o)dinger Equation with Cubic Nonlinear Term
KONG Linghua;CAO Ying;WANG Lan;WAN Long
Estimating Temperature-dependent Thermal Conductivity and Specific Heat Simultaneously
ZHOU Yu;QIAN Weiqi;HE Kaifeng;GUI Yewei
Numerical Simulation of Cavity Pressure and Temperature in Underground Detonation
WANG Tieliang;CAO Yuan;ZHANG Jianxin
Productivity Calculation of Infill Horizontal Wells in Mixed Well Pattern
YE Shuangjiang;JIANG Hanqiao;LI Junjian;HUANG Bo;SHI Chunmei
Calculation of Water-droplet Impingement on Wing Surface
SUN Zhiguo;ZHU Chunling
ji suan wu li zheng gao jian ze
Rock Breaking Characteristics of Ultra-high Pressure Jet with Nozzle Combinations
XU Yi;LIU Yongwang;XU Yiji;ZHANG Yuying
Simulation of Gas-Solid Two-Phase Flow in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed with Variable-Scale Lattice Gas Automata
LIN Liangcheng;ZHENG Zhong;ZHANG Jin;CHEN Wei;LI Dongyao
Extension of Kershaw Diffusion Scheme on Multi-block Grids
ZENG Qinghong;PEI Wenbing;CHENG Juan;YONG Heng
BPT Algorithm for Weighting Ray Matrix in ART Algorithm
XU Lingzhou;FAN Yiren;XIA Weifang
K2_SPH Method and Application for 2D Nonlinear Water Wave Simulation
ZHENG Xing;DUAN Wenyang
Simulation of Trailing Edge Noise Based on Stochastic Noise Generation and Radiation Method
CEHN Rongqian;WU Yizhao;XIA Jian
Computation of Defect Modes in a Photonic Crystal Slab Cavity
HUANG Yonggang;FAN Heng;WANG Xuehua
Partition Functions of Molecule SO2
WU Donglan;XIE Andong;WAN Huijun
Runge-Kutta Method for Dynamical Equations of Polaron in PPV
ZHAO Junqing;JIA Zhenfeng;ZHANG Tianyou;DING Meng;QIAO Shizhu;CHEN Ying;Ji Yanju;ZHANG Ningyu;FU Gang