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Heat Treatment of Metals
2007 Issue 9
New Standard of Carbon Structural Steels
LI Wei-yue;SHI Hai-lian
xing ye xin xi
Measures to Prevent Pinchs of Thin Wall Parts after Deep-Punching
ZHANG Tong-bao;SU Xiao-jia;LIU Yu-qing;HOU Tao
Design of High-Frequency Hardening Inductor of Columnar Cam Groove
GUO Yan-wei;CAO Xi-jing;CHENG Wei-chao
Summarization of Intelligentized and Networked Induction Hardening Control System
GE Yun-wang;HU Rong-qiang;ZHANG Zong-jie;SHEN Qing-tong;XU Chao
Failure Analysis on Gear Pump
TAN Ying;CAO Biao;CHEN Ming;ZHANG De-shi;HU Bao-ju;LI Xiao-min
Influence of Defect Dimension on Failure Patterns of Organic Coatings in Different System
FU Dong-xing;XU Bin-shi;ZHANG Wei;LI Qing-fen;WEI Shi-cheng;LIU Yan
Effects of Ce and Sr on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Zinc Alloy for Die Casting
LI Xiu-hua;LIU Hai-feng;L(U) Wei;LIU Zhen-lei
Preparation Technology of Nitrided Manganese Based on Powder Block
WU Qing-ding;LI Xin-hua;WANG Rong-ji;ZHOU Jian
Effect of Heat Treatment on Corrosion Resistance and Mechanical Properties of 2E12 Aluminum Alloy
YANG Sheng;YI Dan-qing;YAO Su-juan;ZHONG Li
Effect of β-Aging on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Low Expansion Superalloy GH783
JIA Xin-yun;ZHAO Yu-xin;ZHANG Shao-wei
Effect of Pre-Oxidization on Formation of Hydroxyapatite Prepared by Ions Implantion and Hydrothermal Treatment
DING Hong-feng;WAN Yi-zao;HUANG Yuan;HE Fang;XUE Qiang;MU Kun
Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Domestic T23 Steel During High-Temperature Aging
DENG Yong-qing;ZHU Li-hui;WANG Qi-jiang;ZOU Feng-ming
Influence of Annealing Process on Microstructure and Properties of 5182 Aluminium Alloy Sheet for Automobile
WANG Meng-jun;HUANG Dian-yuan;JIANG Hai-tao;REN Jie
Effect of Adding Graphite on Wear Resistance of Submicrometer SiCp/Cu Composite
ZHANG Jie;XU Xiao-jing;DAI Feng-ze
Ductile-Brittle Transition of 12CrNi2MnCu Cast Steel with Severe Segregation
XUE Gang;YANG Shu;YAO Run-gang
Microstructure of T92 Heat Resistant Steel Manufacturing by TCMP
WU Jun;ZOU Zeng-da;WANG Xin-hong;LI Qing-ming
Preparation and Analysis of Composite Silylanization Film on Aluminum Alloy Surface
WANG Yun-fang;GUO Zeng-chang;WANG Ru-min
Effects of Ceramic Powder Size on Arc-Sprayed Metal-Ceramic Composite Coatings
FANG Jian-jun;LI Zhuo-xin;SHI Yao-wu;LI Guo-dong;WEI Qi
Effect of Thermal Exposure at 550℃ on Mechanical Properties of Ti40 Burn Resistant Titanium Alloy
XIN She-wei;ZHAO Yong-qing;ZENG Wei-dong;WU Huan;YANG Hai-ying;LI Qian
Thermo-stability of Ultra-fine Microstructures in Low Carbon Microalloyed Steel
WU Hui-bin;YANG Shan-wu;TANG Di;HE Xin-lai
Heat Treatment Process of New-type NJ110 Steel for Petro-Machinery
yin yong jing ; zhao xu ping ;zhang yong; zhang yong ; hu zhi zhong
Effect of Precool-Quenching Temperature on Martensite Transformation Temperature of T91 Ferritic Heat Resistant Steel
NING Bao-qun;LIU Yong-chang;GAO Zhi-ming;QIAO Zhi-xia;YANG Liu-shuan