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Computers and Applied Chemistry
2014 Issue 10
The analysis of high-flux protein mass spectrometry based on BP neural network
Zou Xiuming;Sun Huaijiang;School of Computer Science and Engineering;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;School of Physics and Electronic Electrical Engineering;Huaiyin Normal University;
Fault detection based on kernel feature statistics of samples standardized with nearest neighborhood for batch process
Guo Xiaoping;Jiang Qinqin;Li Yuan;College of Information Engineering;Shenyang University of Chemical Technology;
Using KPCA-LSSVM to predict breakdown voltage of transformer oil
Xiong Yinguo;College of Physical Science and Engineering;Yichun University;
Quantum chemical study on sponteneous mechenism of pyrogallol
Xiao Nan;Zhu Yongchun;Bao Amin;Gao Ying;Xin Shigang;Chemistry Department;College of Chemistry and Life Science;Shenyang Normal University;
Experimental study on optimizing separation agents of offshore polymer sludge through SVM and orthogonal design
Wang Wenbin;Yin Xianqing;Zhang Jian;Shen Xizhou;Jing Bo;Liu Xiaoyu;Tan Guorong;Key Laboratory of Exploration Technologies for Oil and Gas Resources;State Key Laboratory of Offshore Oil Exploitation;China National Offshore Oil Corporation Research Institute;
The effect of conjugation on the structure and electronic spectrum of carbazole derivatives
Zhao Huiping;Dong Yuhui;College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Weifang University of Science and Technology;
Process control of wastewater treatment based on PWM method
Xie Linbo;Ding Wei;Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control of Light Industry;Ministry of Education;Jiangnan University;
Research on modeling and optimal solution of refined oil product blending
Lu Hangwei;Yang Yao;School of Internet of Things Engineering of Jiangnan University;College of Chemical and Biological Engineering;Zhejiang University;
Temporal and spatial distribution and contamination assessment of PM2.5 in Shanghai
Cheng Yali;Wang Bo;Business School;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;
Analysis of PM2.5 distribution characteristics and impacts of meteorological conditions on PM2.5 concentration in Beijing
Wang Qi;Sun Wei;Zhang Xinyu;Beijing Key Lab of Membrane Science and Technology;College of Chemical Engineering;Beijing University of Chemical Technology;
Thermodynamic analysis for Topsoe methanation process in coal gasification
Hu Guoguang;Wang Daqing;Zhang Jing;Bao Xijun;Huang Xueli;Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Fine Chemicals Ministry of Education & Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region;The Collage of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Xinjiang University;Xinjiang KingHo Energy Group;
An improved DV-Hop localization algorithm based on adaptive particle swarm optimization
Li Renhe;Ding Qin;Wang Hongyuan;Jiao Xiaoquan;Jiangsu R&D Center of Electronics Equipment Manufacturing Engineering;Huai’an College of Information Technology;Changzhou University;
Study of phosgene recovery system without compression in TDI production
Wu Xianli;Hu Yangdong;Gao Cheng;Wu Lianying;Department of Chemical Engineering;Ocean University of China;TDI Co.;Ltd.;Cangzhou Dahua Company;
The study of thermodynamics of bubble point synthesis of tert-amyl methy ether
Xu Weiwei;Li Yonghong;Feng Chuanzhuang;National Engineering Research Center for Distillation Technology;Key Laboratory for Green Chemical Technology of State Education Ministry;School of Chemical Engineering & Technology;Tianjin University;
Identification of the key nodes in biological networks based on the similarity of overlapping communities
Ding Dewu;Peng Xiufen;Department of Mathematics and Computer Science;Chizhou College;
The construction and screening of pharmacophore models with resistance of drug dependence
Meng Jia;Zhu Yu;Zhang Liyang;Sun Ying;Zhang Yan;College of Life and Environmental Science;Minzu University of China;
The study of color reaction of 1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulfonic acid sodium salt and adenine
Liu Bing;School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering;Xinxiang University;
A high-accuracy molecular docking method with Intelligent Algorithm
Fu Yi;Wu Xiaojun;Sun Jun;Zhao Ji;Department of Electronic and Information Engineering;Wuxi City College of Vocational Technology;School of Internet of Things Engineering;Jiangnan University;
Research on collaborative three-dimensional virtual simulation system for the chemical manufacturing
Qi Miao;Zhang Yongce;Liu Zhiguang;Liu Zhe;Wang Ruixue;College of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Bioscience;Dalian University of Technology;
Research on improved virtual force-directed particle swarm based on adaptive differential optimization
Wang Huiquan;Wang Hongyuan;School of Information Science and Engineering;Changzhou University;Changchou Key Laboratory for Process Perception and Interconnected Technology;
The research in simulation algorithm of the TGA virtual laboratory
Zhang Yongce;Cui Tao;Liu Zhiguang;Chen Kejun;Qu Xiaolin;Department of Chemistry;Dalian University of Technology;
The photosensitivity of several rhubarb anthraquinone compounds from quantum chemistry calculations
Yan Haiyan;Zheng Baobing;Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry;Baoji University of Arts and Sciences;Department of Physics and Information Technology & Nonlinear Research Institute;Baoji University of Arts and Sciences;
KICA online monitoring based on phase and transition for batch process
Xie Xiaoqing;Wang Jianlin;Zhao Liqiang;Yu Tao;College of Information Science and Technology;Beijing University of Chemical Technology;
Design and implementation of high precision solar azimuth tracking system
Ma Shuaiqi;School of Electrical Engineering;Shaanxi University of Technology;
Optimal control of fed-batch fermentation process with CMOPSO/D
Bai Yang;Wang Jianlin;Yu Tao;Zhao Liqiang;College of Information Science and Technology;Beijing University of Chemical Technology;
Color classification of different redried lamina based on the image processing and computer
Dai Zeyuan;Yu Ling;Ren Wei;Yang Bin;Yang Zhengyu;Shanghai Tobacco Group Co.;LTD;
Research on hazardous chemicals logistics platform based on IOT
Jiang Baihua;Suo Hansheng;Petro-CyberWorks Information Technology Co.;Ltd.;
Chemical adsorption refrigeration:the influence of chemical reaction heat of adsorbent bed
Yang Xiao;Gao Jiao;Lin Yan;He Yan;The College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering;QUST University;
Study of quinoline and indole in industrial methylnaphthalene
Peng Xiaoxi;Xiong Jieming;Song Yunyan;Li Peipei;Zhang Liping;Beijing Institutes of Petrochemical Technology;Chemical Engineering;Beijing University of chemical Technology;Chemical Engineering;Beijing Institutes of Petrochemical Technology;Information engineering;