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Journal of Computer Applications
2006 Issue 5
A new method to fuse highlight skin's pixels with multi-resolution
CHEN An-long;JIN Bo;LOU Shui-yong
Le Gall(5, 3) lossy compression reconfiguration optimization in JPEG2000
CHEN Bin;CUI Zhi-ming
Method of image enlargement based on curves of rational quadratic spline
YANG Li-zhi;GU Yao-lin
Security analysis of Ku-Chien's remote authentication scheme
ZHANG Li-hua
Chaotic-maps-based Hash function and its application in identity certification
HE Xi-ping;ZHU Qing-sheng
Encryption access control and transmission of XML documents
MENG Jian;CAO Li-ming;WANG Xiao-ping;YAO Liang
Improved convertible signcryption schemes
PENG Chang-gen;LI Xiang;LUO Wen-jun
Novel approach for protecting integrity of kernel based on reference monitor
MENG Jiang-tao;LU Xian-liang;TIAN Rong-hua
Radial basic function-based intrusion detection systems
LI Zhan-chun;LI Zhi-tang;LI Yao
Intrusion detection method based on immune and rough sets theory
JIANG Shi-zhong;YANG Jin;ZHANG Ying
Misuse intrusion detection system based on user trust degree
GUO Qing-bei;ZHANG Hua-zhong;DING Xiu-ming
Design and implementation of storage encryption system based on Windows 2000
YU Jiang;SU Jin-hai;ZHANG Yong-fu
New approach for formal analyzing encryption protocols
WEN Jing-hua;ZHANG Mei;LI Xiang
Research and implementation on resource monitoring architecture of secret-associated network
LI Huan-zhou;ZHANG Jian;CHEN Lin
Dynamic key escrow scheme based on one-way function
YAN Hong-bin;YUAN Ding
Study of workplace security in the migrating workflow management system
LI Lin;ZENG Guang-zhou;XIONG Yun-ping
Distributed data storage method based on information decentralization algorithm
QU Zhi-yi;SU Wen-zhou;ZHAO Ling
Feedforward neural network learning algorithm based on bi-phases weights' adjusting
CHEN Hua-wei;NIAN Xiao-ling;JIN Fan
Method of clustering about situation assessment
Immune genetic algorithm based on chaos theory
ZHANG Nan;LI Zhi-shu;ZHANG Jian-hua;LI Qi
Optimal design of fuzzy controller based on immune principle and its simulation
XING Xiao-jun;ZHANG Hong-cai;YAN Jian-guo
Research on requirement-oriented product integration innovation model
CHEN Kai-wang;LIU Ke
Separation of mixed speeches based on FastICA algorithm
Application of neural network based on particle swarm algorithm for the prediction of oil quality
LI Fang-fang;ZHAO Ying-kai;JIA Yu-ying
Hierarchical categorization methods of Chinese text based on vector space model
XIAO Xue;HE Zhong-shi
Fast clustering algorithm based on window: F-CABDET
DAI Wei-di;HE Pi-lian;LIU Zhen-hua;ZHANG Qian
Study on unified resource management architecture supporting SSO
DONG Liang-wei;WANG Wen-yong;HUANG Li-sheng
PHY-DLL adaptive cross layer algorithm for multi-user OFDM mobile systems
LI Li;ZHU Guang-xi
Web page classification based on extracting hierarchy from Web site
DENG Jian-shuang;ZHENG Qi-lun;PENG Hong
API network congestion control scheme based on velocity control
LU Jin-jun;WANG Zhi-quan
Analysis and improvement on packet index maintenance algorithm of SRTP
WU Bin;PAN Xue-zeng;Douglas L. Whiting
Scientific visualization with spline interpolation model
YANG Yi-shan;GU Yao-lin
Improved method for image denoising based on fractal image coding
SUN Xiao-min;LIU Xiao-xian
Improvement of image segmentation based on GVF model
WANG Hai-jun;ZHANG You-zhi
Linear discriminant analysis based on weighted Fisher criteria and face recognition
GUO Juan;LIN Dong;QI Wen-ya
Neighborhood aware routing protocol based on AODV
ZHAO Zhong-can;WANG Pei-kang
Design and implementation of Graphical Label Set Tool(GLSTool) based on VC
MA Xian-feng;LI Guo-he;ZHAO Lei
Locally adaptive image denoising based on bivariate shrinkage function
LIU Xin;HE Zhen-hua;HUANG De-ji
Fast algorithm of real-time medical image lossless compression
ZHU Xiao-ming;FU Zhong-qian;ZHOU Wu;ZHOU Xue-you
Motion estimation based on low frequency sub-image
YU Zhi-xiong;SUN Hong;HE Jun
Metrics on software components based on information entropy
QI Jing-jing;GUO Gen-cheng
Removing the feature of instruction bundle in IA-64 binary translation
YANG Ke-qiao;ZHAO Rong-cai;CUI Ping-fei;ZHU Xiao-jun
Algorithm of large-scale microscope images mosaicing
YUE Yong-juan;MIAO Li-gang;PENG Si-long
InSAR image compression based on wavelet transformation and fast vector-quantization
ZHANG Zong-nian;HUANG Ren-tai;YAN Jing-wen
Application of wavelet packets decompositions in iris recognition
GAN Jun-ying;LIANG Yu
Study of integrated scheduling and control system for process industry
LEI Jian;WANG Run-xiao;DUAN Qing-juan;HU Zhi-qiang
Research on automatic migration technique of Web site
XU Jun;DAI Hao;XIE Yong-qiang;XIAO Meng;LIU Bao-sheng
Agent-based model of artificial stock market by using GNP
YANG Cheng;SUN Shi-xin
Study on morphological model of reed and its visualization based on growth mechanism
TANG Wei-dong;LI Ping-ping;LU Zhang-ping
R-wave detection algorithm based on wavelet transform and mathematical morphology
JI Hu;MAO Ling;SUN Ji-xiang
Research on measurement of realistic planting leaf area based on machine vision
CHEN Ding-cai;WANG Ding-cheng;ZHA Jin-shui
Approach of image edge detection based on Sobel operators and grey relation
WANG Kang-tai;DAI Wen-zhan
Face detection based on facial information and SVM
ZHOU Shu-ren;LIANG Xi-ming;YE Ji-xiang;ZHU Can
Moving cast shadow suppression from a Gaussian mixture shadow model
WANG Dian;CHENG Yong-mei;YANG Tao;PAN Quan;ZHAO Chun-hui
Self-adaptive routing algorithm based on clustering for sensor networks
DONG Ting;LIN Ya-ping;YI Ye-qing;ZHANG Jin
Performance optimization of Java virtual machine in Linux NC
YANG Li-jie
Structure and realization of spatial information grid's node based on NWGISS
ZHANG Deng-hui;YU Le;DI Li-ping
New research on performance monitoring of desktop grid
CHENG Dian-qin;CUI Du-wu
New scheduling algorithm for Out-Tree task graph
ZHANG Yan;LI Yan-hong
Research and implementation on searching mechanism based on interest mining in unstructured P2P systems
TAN Yi-hong;CHEN Zhi-ping;LIN Ya-ping
Reverse optimize technique based on speculation in reverse engineering
SU Ming;SONG Zong-yu;ZHAO Rong-cai
Retrieval algorithm based on hyperlinks and content similarity
ZHANG Na;ZHANG Hua-xiang
Improved Apriori algorithm based on the absolutely join
LUO Jia-wei;WANG Yan;YANG Tao;WU Jun-hao
Algorithm for solving maintaining cost based on Tabu search
GAO Xue-dong;DONG Chuang-liang;REN Zheng
Method for evaluating real performance costs of applications
QIAN Li-ping;WANG Li-dong
Constructing multiresolution TIN with Voronoi diagrams
WANG Yin-xing;LIU Liang;SHI Xing-xi
Adaptive texture segmentation method based on property of HVS
BI Sheng;LIANG De-qun
Design of security solution for Web-based educational administration system
SUN Fei-xian;XU Ming-jie;YANG Jin;WANG Tie-fang;LIU Sun-jun
Static wear-leveling strategy for flash memory
ZHANG Jun;FAN Xiao-ya;LIU Song-he
Embedded vision sensor system based on Windows CE. NET
LIU Hui-lin;LIU Chang
Study on the method for constructing road 3D model based on CDT theory
SONG Zhan-feng;PU Hao
Automatical defect extraction and segmentation in X-ray images of carbon produce
ZHOU Xian;LIU Yi-lun;LI Xue-jun
Pitch detection algorithm based on LPC and maximum likelihood
LI Jin;WANG Ling
Research of inverse-design for plate cam follower motion rule based on CATIA
CHENG Yong-ming;FENG Chun;LI Bai-lin;HE Chao-ming
Bitwidth optimization for loop computations on dynamical reconfigurable architectures
WANG Wei;LI Ren-fa;WU Qiang
Compressed image indexing technique based on wavelet
ZHANG Wen-yin;ZENG Zhen-bing
Wide baseline image correspondences based on local affine invariant image feature
WANG Yu-zhou;WANG Guo-ping