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Computer Science
2015 Issue 2
Survey on Real-time Video and Audio Communication Based on WebRTC
ZHANG Xiang-hui;,HUANG Jia-qing;,WU Kang-heng;,LEI Zhi-bin;
Research and Progress of microRNA Prediction Methods Based on Machine Learning
WANG Ying;,LI Jin;,WANG Lei;,XU Cheng-zhen;,CAI Zhong-xi;
Survey about Research on Information Extraction
GUO Xi-yue;,HE Ting-ting;
K-threaded Low Energy-consuming Task Scheduling Optimization Algorithm Based on Multi-core Processors
WANG Ke-te;,WANG Li-sheng;,LIAO Xin-kao;
Measurement Study of 3G Mobile Networks Using Android Platform
ZHANG Cheng-wei;,CHENG Wen-qing;,HEI Xiao-jun;
Localization Algorithm of Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network Oriented to Marine Monitoring
CHEN Qiu-li;,HE Ming;,WANG Yan;,CHEN Xi-liang;,WANG Li-hui;
Design and Analysis of Virtual Network Mapping Competitive Algorithms
YU Jian-jun;,WU Chun-ming;
Effect of AS's Geographic Locations on Internet's Stability
MENG Ya-kun;,SUN Jing-chang;
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Technology Based on BP Neural Network
CHEN Yi;,ZHANG Hang;,HU Hang;
Performance Analysis of Time-delay of Hybrid Authentication in Mobile Multihop Relay Networks
LU Wei-feng;,YU Ke-yuan;,CHEN Si-guang;
Architecture Design and Mode Research of High-dynamic Self-organizing UAV Network
CHEN Si-jing;,ZHANG Ke;,HE Ying;
On-chip Network Router Arbitration Control with QoS Support
GUAN Zheng;,QIAN Wen-hua;,DU Chang-qing;
Synthesis Evaluation Method for Node Importance in Complex Networks
QIN Li;,YANG Zi-long;,HUANG Shu-guang;
Improved Energy Efficient Data Gathering Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network
MA Chen-ming;,WANG Wan-liang;,HONG Zhen;
Bounding End to End Delay for Self-similar Traffic in LTE-A Femtocell Networks
SI Yuan;,CHEN Xin;,LIU Zong-qi;
Distributed Network Mobility Management over Proxy Mobile IPv6 Network
CHEN Yuan;,ZHANG Qi-zhi;,RAO Liang;,ZHAO Gan-sen;
Quantification and Conformance of Web Service Degraded Substitution
WU Xin-xing;,HU Guo-sheng;,CHEN Yi-xiang;
Research of Efficient Recognition Technique for Preferred Access Pattern of Flash Storage System
LEI Juan;,ZHU Zhu;,FU Yun-qing;,SHI Liang;
Detection of Malicious PDF Based on Structural Path
CHEN Liang;,CHEN Xing-yuan;,SUN Yi;,DU Xue-hui;
Lightweight RFID Authentication Protocol Based on Digital Signature
LIU Ya-li;,QIN Xiao-lin;,ZHAO Xiang-jun;,HAO Guo-sheng;,DONG Yong-quan;
Design and Proof of Bilateral Authentication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
GUO Ping;,FU De-sheng;,CHENG Ya-ping;,ZHAN Xiang;
Edge Enhancement on Size Invariant Visual Cryptography
HU Hao;,YU Bin;,SHEN Gang;
Mobile Location Privacy Protection Based on Untrusted Environment
LIU Xue-jun;,CHEN Yu-feng;,LI Bin;
Approach Based on Recurrence Plot to Detect Covert Timing Channels
LIU Biao;,LAN Shao-hua;,ZHANG Jing;,LIU Guang-jie;
Research on Focused Crawling Technology Based on SVM
LI Lu;,ZHANG Guo-yin;,LI Zheng-wen;
ABS-OSBE Protocol Supporting Sensitive Attributes Protection
ZHANG Bin;,LI Dong-hui;,XIONG Hou-ren;,FEI Xiao-fei;
Research on Hardware Optimization Implementation of TWINE
LI Lang;,ZOU Yi;,HE Wei-wei;,LI Ren-fa;,LIU Bo-tao;
On Dendritic Cell Algorithm and its Theoretical Investigation
FANG Xian-jin;,WANG Li;,KANG Jia;,LIU Jia;
Intrusion Detection Method Based on Multi-label and Semi-supervised Learning
QIAN Yan-yan;,LI Yong-zhong;,YU Xi-ya;
Generation and Extraction of Secret Keys Based on Properties of Wireless Channels
SUI Lei;,GUO Yuan-bo;,JIANG Wen-bo;,YANG Kui-wu;
Intrusion Detection Algorithm Based on Cluster and Cloud Model
LI Yong-zhong;,ZHANG Jie;
UML-based C4ISR Capability Requirement Modeling Language
WANG Cong;,WANG Zhi-xue;,XU You-yun;
VEMBP:A Novel Labeling Method for Updating on XML Data
QIN Zun-yue;,CAI Guo-ming;,ZHANG Bin-lian;,TANG Yong;
Research on Developer Preferential Collaboration in Open-source Software Community
HE Peng;,LI Bing;,YANG Xi-hui;,XIONG Wei;
Model Checking of Software Product Line Based on Bilattices
SHI Yu-feng;,WEI Ou;,ZHOU Yu;
Method of Software Design Patterns Identification Based on Correlation and Feature Constraints
GU Hui;,ZHANG Wei-xing;,JIN Peng;,GU Jie-jie;
Partial Diagnosability Analysis of Discrete-event Systems
LU Wei;,ZHANG Long-mei;,ZHU Yi-an;
Sampling Model for Quality Inspection of Uncertain Ocean Data
WANG Zhen-hua;,ZHOU Xue-nan;,HUANG Dong-mei;
Structural Difference Recognition and Dispelling in Schema Matching
DU Xiao-kun;,LI Guo-hui;,LI Yan-hong;
User Classification Method in Online Social Network Using Random Walks
HE Chao-bo;,YANG Zhen-xiong;,HONG Shao-wen;,TANG Yong;,CHEN Guo-hua;,ZHENG Kai;
Intelligent Fusion of Information Law and its Inner Separating
TANG Ji-hua;,ZHANG Ling;,SHI Kai-quan;
Self-adaptive Improved Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm with Changing Step
ZHU Xu-hui;,NI Zhi-wei;,CHENG Mei-ying;
Key Retrieval Technologies in Large-scale Chinese Corpus
YU Yi-jiao;,LIU Qin;
AP Twice Clustering Based Neural Network Ensemble Algorithm
LI Hui;,DING Shi-fei;
Solving Minimal Cost Strong Planning Solution by Hierarchical Algorithm
WU Xiao-hui;,WEN Zhong-hua;,LI Yang;,LAO Jia-qi;
Temporal Weight in Dynamic Topic Tracking
WU Shu-fang;,XU Jian-min;
Chinese Argument Extraction Approach Based on Semantics
HUANG Yuan;,LI Pei-feng;,ZHU Qiao-ming;
Constrainted E-CARGO Model Applying in CSP Problem
TENG Shao-hua;,ZHANG Hong;,LIU Dong-ning;,ZHU Hai-bin;,ZHANG Wei;,LIANG Lu;
Interval Iterative Algorithm for a Class of Convex Optimization
TANG Min;,DENG Guo-qiang;
Pattern Filtering and Conversion Methods for Semi-supervised Chinese Event Extraction
XU Xia;,LI Pei-feng;,ZHU Qiao-ming;
Dimensionality Reduction Algorithm Based on Neighborhood Rival Linear Embedding
LI Yan-yan;,YAN De-qin;
Finite Time Control of Memristor Chaotic Systems
CHENG Ping-guang;,MA Yue;,HUANG Jun-jian;,LIU Ji;
Recommended Method of Mashup Services Based on Information Entropy Multi-attribute Decision-making
WANG Shao-wei;,LIU Jian-xun;,CAO Bu-qing;,TANG Ming-dong;,WANG Xian;
Personalized Tag Recommendation Algorithm Based on Tensor Decomposition
LI Gui;,WANG Shuang;,LI Zheng-yu;,HAN Zi-yang;,SUN Ping;,SUN Huan-liang;
Adapting Suppressed Fuzzy C-regression Models Algorithm
GUO Hua-feng;,ZHAO Jian-min;,PAN Xiu-qiang;
3D Model's Alignment Approach Combining Partial Symmetry
ZHU Xin-yi;,GENG Guo-hua;
Adaptive Selected Parameters of Decomposed Two-dimensional Renyi Entropy Thresholding Method
GONG Qu;,RAN Qing-hua;,WANG Hai-jun;
D-Tile for Texture Synthesis Based on Artificial Bee Colony
SUN Jin-guang;,LIU Shuang-jiu;
Algorithm of Image Thinning Post-processing Based on Direction Chain Code Scanning and Tracking
QU Zhong;,JIANG Yu-ping;,WEN Qian-yun;
Generation Algorithm of Digital Reconstruction Radiographs Based on CUDA
DU Xiao-gang;,DANG Jian-wu;,WANG Yang-ping;
Wavelet Transform Image Retrieval Method Based on Content
LI Lan;,LIU Yang;
Image Retrieval Algorithm Based on Improved Color Coherence Vectors and Contribution to Clustering
ZHANG Yong-ku;,LI Yun-feng;,SUN Jing-guang;
Particle Filter Object Tracking Based on Adaptive Feature Fusion
HUAN Er-yang;,LI Rui;