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Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
2005 Issue 3
ban kan jian yi
Research on knowledge correctness checking in semantic Web
LIANG Bang-yong;TANG Jie;LI Juan-zi;WANG Ke-hong
Research on process-based manufacturing performance measurement system
ZHU Jia-rao;LIU Da-cheng;TONG Wei;ZHENG Li
Finite state machine application in open CNC
LI Xia;WANG Yong-zhang;LIANG Hong-bin;ZHONG Li
Reconfigurable robot control based on DCOM-MMS
YU Chuan-meng;ZHOU Bing-hai;XI Li-feng
Research & application of distributed condition-based maintenance open system
GUO Qian-jin;YU Hai-bin;XUAi dong
Research on the monitor effective information based remote video processing technology
LIU Da-cheng;ZHENG Yong;DAI Liang;CHENG Li-hui;ZHENG Li
Research and application of design method of virtual enterprise in multi-projects environment
WANG Wei;YI Hong;XING Yan;NI Zhong-hua
Research on technologies of conflict arbitration based on fuzzy evaluation in collaborative design
MENG Xiu-li;YI Hong;NI Zhong-hua;WANG Wei
Research on collaborating time's scheduling algorithm of tasks based on multi-agent
HU Jing-jing;CAO Yuan-da;JIAO De-chao;XU Li
Isomerous platform oriented solution for agile supply chain management system
LIN Nan;CHANG Hui-you;YI Yang
Collaborative production planning in a three-stage steel industry supply chain
LI Jian-xiang;TANG Li-xin;WU Hui-jiang
Research and realization of integrated manufacturing process management system
QI Jian-jun;LIU Ai-jun;XU He-feng;LEI Yi
Research on architecture and key technologies of networked integrated CRM
ZHANG Xu-mei;KANG Da-qing
Research & realization of reliability management of manufacturing grid
LI Rui;YU Tao;FANG Ming-lun
Extended EOQ model with deterministic demand and shortages
TONG Ling-yun;CHEN Zeng-qiang;YUAN Zhu-zhi
Modeling and management of diagnosis and maintenance knowledge for R & D of complex product
ZHANG Xiao-yang;SUN Yu;WANG Sheng-hong;LU Bao-chun
Object-based multi-subject access control model
LI Chang-cheng;LIU Cheng-ying;HONG Ming-song;CAI Wei
Research on dynamic workflow management model for networked manufacturing platform
MIAO Jian;SONG Yu-chuan;HE Yan;HE De-qiang
Research on cross-area decision & command system modeling based on agent swarm
Research on AOCTPN based modeling technology of semiconductor fabrication line
ZHAI Wen-bin;CHU Xue-ning;ZHANG Jie;MA Deng-zhe
Product structure model based on n-dimensional affine space
LIU Xiao-bing;MENG Yong-sheng;YAN Chang-gang;XING Ying-jie
Research on a unified reconfiguration meta-model and reconfiguration process
WANG Zhong-Jie;XU Xiao-fei;ZHAN De-chen
Review of supply chain logistics capability researches
MA Shi-hua;MENG Qing-xin