Concurrency control method based on lock and document mark
GUO Yong-bin;SHI Yun-mei;LI Ning;Beijing Key Laboratory of Internet Culture and Digital Dissemination Research;Beijing Information Science and Technology University;School of Computer;Beijing Information Science and Technology University;
Real-time video shaking detection algorithm based on BRISK
XU Ben;ZHOU Zhi-hu;FAN Liang-zhong;School of Computer Science and Software Engineening;East China Normal University;Department of Resources and Technology;Zhejiang Institute of Administration;School of Computer Science and Engineering;University of Electronic Science and Technology;School of Information Science and Engineering;Ningbo Institute of Technology;Zhejiang University;
Pedestrian traffic simulation in bus rapid transit station
HU Ji-hua;GAO Li-xiao;ZHAN Cheng-zhi;Research Centre of Intelligent Transportation System;School of Engineering;Sun Yat-sen University;Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Intelligent Transportation System;Sun Yat-sen University;