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Computer Engineering and Design
2000 Issue 1
Image processing algorithms and definitions of geometric quantities
liu yong kui ; zou shan ju
The technical application of Java ring
wu xiang sheng ; wang ke hong
Design of an intellective angle measurement system
xie jian ; huang xian xiang ; huang hai bin
The research on quality problem workflow based on CSCW
zhao li ping ; yao yi yong ; zeng xiao liu
The study and implementation of visual system modeling language base on object management system
tan wen an ; lu bo ying ; xu hong ; zhou bo sheng
Integration technology of enterprise application based on CORBA
yan xiong xiong ; quan chun lai ; liu jia
The application of Petri Net in the area of fault diagnosis
ding cai hong ; huang wen hu ; jiang xing wei
Developing the control software for measuring stresses in windows condition
zhou duan ; liu wei rong ; yang yin tang
Research on a digital real time controller with all-purpose configuration
jiang shan ; cheng jun shi ; tao qian
CSC based model for distributed application object interface
qi de zuo ; ou song ; xu jian min ; mao zong yuan ; zhong mu liang
Integrate information systems by encapsulating legacy systems with CORBA
li xiao yan ; liu jing jun ; zhang qin shun
Discussion and practice on cluster-based object-parallel model
zhang hong li ; fang bin xing ; hu ming zeng ; liu hu