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Computer Engineering and Science
2014 Issue 9
Recent progress in high-performance parallel computing of the aerospace area
BAO Wei-min;,GONG Chun-ye;,LIU Jie;,SUN Xue-gong;,TANG Guo-jian;,WANG Ling;
Research and implementation of the fast burning technology of smart card COS
HUANG Yi-ping;,NONG Li-ping;,SU Jian-de;
Channel allocation and link scheduling in variable-width wireless networks
CHEN Xiao-hui;,CHENG Wen-qing;,LIU Wei;,XU Jing;
A token-ring-like real-time response algorithm of Modbus/TCP message based on μC/OS-Ⅱ
SUN Zhong-hao;,ZHANG Kai-long;,ZHOU Xing-she;
A method of measuring the overall resource efficiency of the MIMO-OFDM system
LIU Jin-zhu;,WANG Meng;
Spectrum allocation algorithm in cognitive radio based on immune-clonal-selection and difference
CHEN Zhi-gang;,KUANG Zhu-fang;,LIU Sheng;
Method of NetMagic hardware development
CAO Cheng-zhou;,GONG Xiao-lin;,LIN Qi;,MAO Jian-biao;,SUN Zhi-gang;,YIN Jia-bin;
Measurement and analysis of end-to-end latency in high bandwidth multicast network
CHEN Wen-bo;,LI Shan-xi;,MA Qiang;
HMM risk assessment model on the exploitation levels
CHEN Yong-yan;,DAI Wei;
Research of workflow access control mechanism based on object status
WANG Hao;,WU Ling;
Reflections on community e-government network security and data sharing
CHEN Da-qian;,REN Guang-wei;
An secure and efficient dynamic password authentication protocol based on smart card and fingerprint
HUANG Chao-yang;,LUO Shao-lan;,WU Zheng-ying;
Multi-strategy particle swarm optimization algorithm
CAO Ju;,CHEN Gang;,LI Yan-jiao;
Critical chain project management based on the improved ant colony algorithm
LUO Yue-bin;,WANG Hua;,ZHAO Ying-jun;
Fault diagnosis based on intuitionistic fuzzy Petri nets
SUN Xiao-ling;,WANG Ning;
Survey on complex electromagnetic environment modeling and visualization
GAO Ying;,GUO Shu-xia;,WANG Feng-hua;,ZHANG Zheng;
Fuzzy C-means clustering based microscopic image segmentation with illumination robustness
GAO Zhi-ling;,LIN Xiang-hong;,WEI Wei-yi;,YANG Xiao-dong;
Design of an automatic marking system based on character recognition
HUANG Yu-xiu;,WANG Jing;,WANG Zhou;,XU Fu-xin;
A fast motion estimation algorithm using dynamic models
LIU Zhi;,TAO Xiao-juan;,WANG Ling;
Research on the image registration algorithm based on K-means clustering and RANSAC
CHEN Jin-yu;,WANG Tian-zhao;,XU Ke-hu;
Effect of icons consistency on its recognition efficiency and reliability
LI Yong-jian;,WANG Bo;,ZUO Juan;
A fast vanishing point detection method for artificial scene image
CHEN Xiao;,WANG Min;
A fingertip detection method based on human skeleton and depth image information
LIU Ping-he;,SONG Hai-sheng;,WANG Hai-yan;,WANG Quan-zhou;,ZHAO Xue-shen;
A scalable real-time natural scenery simulation algorithm
DENG Li-ping;,LI Jia;,RAO Yun-bo;,XIAO He;
Stability of switched genetic regulatory networks with time-varying delay
XU Cheng-gang;,XU Yu-long;
Information entropy based local linear embedding
MEI Song-qing;,ZHOU Hong-jian;
A clustering algorithm based on local center object
FAN Min;,LI Ze-ming;,SHI Xin;
Modeling and simulation of production line based on multi-view
LIU Fen-fang;,LIU Yan-yan;,WEN Hao-yu;
Research of Windows Phone data access technology
CHEN Chuan-bo;,LIU Li-zhi;