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Computer Engineering and Science
2000 Issue 5
A Set Refreshing Maintenance Algorithm for Data Warehouse
Li Zimu;Xu Ming;Zhou Xingming
Research of Formula Discovery from Data Based on Genetic Programming
Zhao Xinyu;Chen Wenwei
Agent-Based Software Reuse
Mao Xinjun;Xu Xishan;Qi Zhichang
Information Agent Based on the BDI Model
Zhao Jiaxin;hen Yuexin
Development of a DSS Integration Language in the C/S Mode
Huang Jincai;Chen Wenwei;Zhao Xinyu;Yan Shouyong
Design and Realization of the KaiFa Accounting Software
Liu Lifang;Li Meng;Ao Yonghong;Cheng Zhiqun
pentium 4 tui chi fa bu
Implementation of a Parallel Join Algorithm Based on the Workstation Cluster Architecture
Ye Changchun;Yang Li;Yang Shuqiang
ASIC Hardware Emulation Techniques
Sun Xuhong;Chen Shuming;Zeng Xianjun;Chen Jihua
The Design of a PCI Interface Between a Simulation Computer and a Microcomputer
Jiang Zhiwen;Gao Yizeng;Zhang Fan
Optimization and Performance Evaluation of Parallel Programs
Liu Jie;Chi Lihua;Hu Qingfeng
On the Design of Multiprocessor Scheduling
Luo Yu;Luo Qing
An Analysis of the I/O Subsystem Architecture of Parallel Computers
He Jiang;Liu Guangming
The Research and Practice of Rollback Recovery of Faults in Distributed Systems
Wen Mei;Li Hongliang;Zhang Chunyuan;Fan Jinpeng;Wu Tao;Wang Zhiying
Design and Realization of a Group Communications Project Supporting Cooperative Applications
Ouyang Yun;Shi Dianxi;Zou Peng;Wang Huaimin
A New Model of Cooperation:The Dynamical Cooperation Systems Model
Wang Xiaodong;Sun Haiyan;Zhou Xingming;Xu Ming
Design and Implementation of a Design Process Management System Based on Group Communications
Shi Dianxi;Wu Quanyuan;Wang Huaimin;Zou Peng
The Optimization of the IDL Compiler on StarBus
Hu Xiaojing;Xiang Jun;Wang Huaimin
A CORBA-Based Model for Distributed Network Management Systems
Wu Gang Wang;Huaimin;Wu Quanyuan
Optimization and Componentization of an Object Dispatching Mechanism in the CORBA Distributed Computing Environment
Xiang Jun;Gao Hongkui;Wu Quanyuan;Wang Chunyan
The Design of a One-Time-Password Authentication Protocol
Zhang Jun;Ning Hong
Design and Implementation of the Network Management System for Large VOD Systems
Peng Yuanxi;Huang Yunsen;Gong Zhenghu
Research of the Zero-Copy Technique and Its Implementation
Ke Xiangmin;Gong Zhenghu;Xia Jiandong
An Efficient Broadcast Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Peng Wei;Lu Xicheng
Adaptation in Layered Video Multicast
Wan Junwei;Lu Xicheng
Principle and Applications of the Kerberos Protocol
Qi Zhonghou
A Fast Algorithm for IP Routing Lookups Based on Binary Search Hashing
Zhang Mingjie;Lu Xicheng