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Computer Engineering
2007 Issue 16
System of Dynamic Computer Forensic Based on Remote Control Technology
SHI Wei-qi;ZHANG Bo-yun;XIE Dong-qing
Research on Computer BIOS Security Risk Analysis and Detection System
ZHOU Zhen-liu;LIU Bao-xu;CHI Ya-ping;XU Rong-sheng
Design and Implementation of Self-help Service System Based on Smart Client Architecture
ZHU Tao;ZHANG Shui-ping;LI Yun-yun;CHANG Guo-cen
Research on Architecture Design of Multi-core Processor
HE Jun;WANG Biao
Novel Architecture for Modular Exponentiator Based on Montgomery
ZHANG Yuan-yang;LI Zheng;YANG Lei;ZHANG Shao-wu
Test Data Compression and Decompression Based on State Reversal Run Length Codes
XIAO Zhu-hong;OUYANG Yi-ming;LIANG Hua-guo
Simplified AES Algorithm of Resistant to Zero-value Power Analysis and Its VLSI Implementation
ZHAO Jia;ZENG Xiao-yang;HAN Jun;CHEN Jun
High Precision Real-time Control Algorithm Based on dsPIC30F Controller
JIA Qing-zhong;LIU Yong-shan;LIU Zao-zhen
Algorithm of Multiple Frequency Ranging Based on Chirp Signal
CHEN Yu-tao;YI Bo;XU Guang-ting
Cholesteatoma Diagnosis Based on Computation Measurement of Asymmetry
XIA Jiao-xiong;XU Jun;HUANG Wei;ZHANG Wu
Early-phase Security Requirements Modeling Method Based on Extended i* Framework
WANG Run-xiao;XIANG Dong;WANG Hai-peng;ZHANG Tao
Improved Dynamic Group Key Management Scheme for Multicast Based on LKH Tree
KANG Qiao-yan;MENG Xiang-ru;WANG Jian-feng;FAN Bo
Anonymity-revocable Divisible Multi-bank E-cash Payment Scheme
WANG Da-xing;DU Yu-song;SHEN Jing
Research and Implementation of Security Event Management System Based on Log
YU Ya-ling;TANG Hong-wu;DU Hai-xia
Research on Source Authentication Schemes for IP Multicast
ZHOU Xian-wei;DAI Xin-yu;LIU Yun-luo
Research and Practice on Network Security Evaluation Method
LIU Bao-xu;WANG Xiao-zhen;CHI Ya-ping
Transformation Technique of Extensible Security Policy
DAI Xiang-dong;CHEN Xing-yuan;WU Bei;NIU Xin-jian
DDoS Attacks Detection Algorithm Based on Flow Connection Entropy
ZHAO Ji-jun;HU Zhi-gang;ZHANG Jian
Analysis and Study of Buffer Overflow Attack Detection Technology
XU Qi-jie;XUE Zhi
Image Feature Extraction and Recognition Based on Fuzzy CCA
SU Zhi-xun;LIU Yan-yan;LIU Xiu-ping;ZHOU Xiao-jie
Feature Selection Algorithm Based on Association Features Enhancement
GU Ping;ZHU Qing-sheng;HE Xi-ping;LI Yun-feng
Bayesian Optimization Algorithm Based on Mutation Operator
WU Yan;WANG Yu-ping;LIU Xiao-xiong
Research on Application of Density Distribution of Keywords in Biased Summarization
YAN Ying-jie;LIN Hong-fei;YANG Zhi-hao;ZHAO Jing
Semantic Analysis and Chinese Translation of English Preposition Based on Semantic Pattern Decomposition
GUAN Xiao-wei;GAO Qing-shi;ZHANG Rong-xin
Laser Stripe Processing in Measurement System Based on Structured-light
YANG Xue;YU Xiao-yang;YANG Ming-ji;CHEN Yang;SHAN Li-na
Automatic Multidocument Summarization Based on Time Stamp
SUO Hong-guang;LIANG Yu-huan;LIU Yu-shu
Method of Ellipse Detection Based on Hough Transform
ZHOU Xiang;KONG Xiao-dong;ZENG Gui-hua
Research on Intelligence Processing Based on Fuzzy Artificial Immune Network
WU Shuai;ZHANG Hong-wei;SHI Hong-shan
Extension of Bayesian Network Retrieval Model Based on Similarity of Term
XU Jian-min;BAI Yan-xia;WU Shu-fang
Image Feature Points Match Algorithm Based on Color Gradient
DONG Rui;LIANG Dong;TANG Jun;BAO Wen-xia;HE Dao
Design and Implementation of Link-padding Traffic Camouflaging Prototype
HU Bai-jiong;LI Ming
Shortest Path Problem on Curved Surface Based on DNA Genetic Algorithm
Research on Gene Expression Data Classification Based on Rough Sets
SUN Li-jun;MIAO Duo-qian
Research on Key Technology of License Plate Recognition
ZHANG Mei-duo;GUO Bao-long
Optimization and Comparison of Decision Tree Algorithm
LU Wei;WANG Cong
Heuristic Search-based Ant Algorithm of Solving Graph Coloring Problem
LIAO Fei-xiong;MA Liang
Decision Tables Simplification on Rough Set Based on Binary Scale
CHEN Lian;DENG Shao-bo;WAN Fang;LI Min;LIU Qing
Design and Implementation of Expert Referring System Based on Knowledge Base
CHEN Ya-bing;SUN Ji-qing
Remote Rainfall Monitoring System Based on GPRS
WANG Li-duan;YANG Lei;ZHAN Xing-qun;FAN Bao-song
Inspection System of Material Decay Based on Image Characteristic Retrieval
ZHANG Jian-xun;JI Gang;HONG Xiong
Web Services-based Mobile Location Access Gateway
LIU Chuan-chang;NIU Zhi-yuan;CHEN Jun-liang
Minimum Distribution Priority Algorithm for Clos Network
DUAN Xin-ming;YANG Yu-lu;SUN Lai-yin;LING Xiao-ping
Load-Balance Policy in Two Level-cluster File System
TIAN Jun-feng;SONG Wei-wei;YU Hong-fen
Framework Model for Information Service Grid Based on Resources Deployment
FANG Cheng;ZHU Jing;YANG Guang-wen
Research on Support for Multi-party Communication via VoiceXML
WANG Wen-lin;LIAO Jian-xin;ZHU Xiao-min;WANG Chun
Grid Middleware Based on Remote Sensing Data Access and Integration
XIE Yi;WANG Jian-qin;SUN Rui-zhi;YANG Lu;DING Ying;OUYANG Ya
Software Measurement Model for CMMI Based on PSM
LI Xin-ke;WANG Chang-rui;SHAO Kun;WU Lei
Triangulation Method for 3D Scattered Data Points Based on CAD Models
CHEN Hui-qun;CHEN Shao-ke
Research on Dynamic Priority Service Request Queue Management Model
YANG Hong-yu;LIU Hong-zhi
Algorithm of Inserting Constrained Edge into Delaunay Triangulation
CHEN Xue-gong;HUANG Jing-jing
Design of Efficiency Evaluation Software of Simulation-based Missile Weapon System
LI Dong;LI Guo-lin;WANG Shi-xing;LEI Zhi-dong
Research and Implementation of Remote Application Deployment System in Wide Area Network
ZHAO Yan-bo;MA Jie;KANG Wei
Research on Embedded MMS Client Model
CHEN Hua-peng
Analysis and Improvement of Real-time Embedded Operating System μC/OS-II Kernel
JI Hong;FU Shao-feng;CHE Xiang-quan;ZHOU Li-hua
Embedded Linux Desktop System Based on PowerPC
ZHANG Xiao-bin;MU Chun-di
Color Space Transform with LUT Based on Multiplication
LIU Peng-rui;GUO Wei;FU Yu-zhuo
Network Measurement Device Based on XScale and Embedded Linux
ZENG Xian-wei;PEI Chang-xing;ZHU Chang-hua;YI Yun-hui
Application of Rule Engine in Telecom Settle and Apportion System
LIN Bi-ying;ZHANG Yan-hui
Design and Implementation of PKI-Platform Software in Embedded System
LI Rong-sen;QIN Jie;DOU Wen-hua
Asynchronous and Real-time Remote Replication System Based on LVM
WANG Feng;LIU Xiao-guang;WANG Gang;LIU Jing
Design and Realization of Human-computer Dialog System Based on Agent
XU Kai-hua;ZHANG De-gan;YAO Lin
WebGIS Functions Enhancement of B/S Mode Based on Temporary Layers
LIU Dong-mei;LIU Zhan;GUO Jia-shu;BAN Li;LI Wang;SUN Qiu-fen
Design and Implementation on RAID On-line Expansion Based on Linux
QI Lu;XIE Guang-jun;LIU Xiao-guang;WANG Gang;LIU Jing
Medicine Assist Expert System Based on Object-oriented Method
LIN He-ping;GUAN Ren-chu;WANG Yan
Cost Estimation Model for Web System Software Development Item
LI Hu-xiong;LI Hu-jun
Embedded Ethernet Interface Development with DM642
LIANG Xun;XIONG Shui-dong
Design and Processing of Assignment Description Language Based on XML Schema
ZHU Xin-hua;HUANG Li-he;LUO Hui;ZHANG Xian-quan
Research of Watermelon Seed Shape Distinguishing Based on Orthogonal Double Axle Algorithm
tou gao xu zhi
Analysis of Security Protocols Based on Probabilistic Polynomial-time Processes
WANG Quan-lai;WANG Ya-di;HAN Ji-hong
Efficient Structure and Generation Method of Anti-worm Code
WANG Wei;LUO Dai-sheng;WANG Xin;FANG Yong
Realization of Media Content Services on Active Networks
WU Jie-dong;LV Shu-wang
Optimization for Algorithm of Document Distribution in P2P Network
DU Hong-bo;Xiao Li-qian;HU Xing
Study on Key Techniques of Mobile Terminal Management System
MA Jun;LIAO Jian-xin;ZHU Xiao-min;ZHANG Yu-ting
Experimental Study of Mobile IPv6 Handoff Performance
LUO Li-jun;JIANG Xin-hua;ZOU Fu-min;WANG Tong-sen;LIN Zhang-xi;ZHANG Yong-hui
Multi-agent-based Grid Resource High-available Trust Schedule Model
ZHANG Shu-tai;CHEN Jia-hui;GUI Ya-dong;YANG Wei-dong
Dynamic Load-balancing Algorithm for MMOG Based on P2P
SHI Xiang-bin;DU Ling;XING Yuan-sheng
Joint Multicast Routing Protocol Based on Traffic Prediction for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
GAN Guo-zheng;ZHANG Xin-ming;LIU Qiong;ZHENG Wen-chen
Design of Embedded Real-time Operating System AutoOSEK
ZHANG Liang-fei;LI Yin-guo
MFCPLG: Mining Frequent Closed Patterns in Microarray
JIN Bo;MIAO Yu-qing
Risk Calculation for Information System Based on Fuzzy Theory
YANG Hong-yu;LI Yong;CHEN Chuang-xi
Translation Algorithm of XML and SQL Query Based on DTD
BU Li;LI Jun-huai;ZHANG Jing
Design and Implementation of Remote Sensing Image Frequency Editor
MA Jiang-lin;ZHAO Zhong-ming
Design of VLIW Digital Signal Processor's 64-bit Configurable Adder
ZHANG Zhi-wei;MA Hong;LI Li-jian;WANG Dong-lin
Component Design Method Based on Business Model and Cluster Algorithm
XU Wei;LI Zhao-yuan
Human Face Feature Extraction and Recognition Based on Wavelet-moment Descriptors and 2DPCA
XIE Yong-hua;CHEN Fu-bing;ZHANG Sheng-liang;YANG Jing-yu
Fault-tolerant Clos Network and Its Routing Algorithm
DUAN Xin-ming;YANG Yu-lu
Refinement-based Software Architecture Design Method
ZHAO Heng;YE Jun-min;WANG Zhen-yu
Nodes Placement Strategy for Even Energy Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks
FAN Yong;ZHANG Xiao-tong;WAN Ya-dong;WANG Qin
Real-time Feature-based Shot Cut Detection
TANG Zhi-feng;YANG Shu-yuan
Approach to Building Object Verification in Natural Images
JIN Tai-song;LI Cui-hua;LIU Ming-ye
Schema Merging in Information Integration System
LIU Jun-qiang;PENG Zhi-yong