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Computer Engineering
2003 Issue 18
DEDS Simulation Based on Matrix Model
gao hui min ; zeng jian chao ; sun guo ji
A System-level Model for Distributed Embedded System
luo zuo gui ; gu jun zhong
Color Texture Synthesis Based on Nonparametric Markov Random Field
li hou qiang ; dong peng peng ; ye zhong fu
Parallel Techniques Applied to Web Server
wu ge ping ; feng dan
SPKI-based Access Control Model for Mobile Agent
jiang feng ; wu zhao sheng ; xie jun yuan
Computer Intrusion Detection Based on PrefixSpan
zhang sheng bin ; zuo hong sheng ; wang wei ping
An XDAC Model Using PKI
xiao fei long ; xu lin ying
Ethernet Access Technology Based on 802.1X Protocol
zhu hai long ; zhang guo qing
Software Implementation of Bluetooth Application System Based on Micro-processor
li ; yang shi yuan ; wang rui ; han feng
Implementation and Performance Analysis of Explicit Loss Notification
jiang xiao dan ; li hong ; li ; gao chuan shan
A Method of Managing Site Based on Voronoi Graph in Cellular Mobile Communication
wen chang yang ; yao min
Application of XML Technology in Network Management
tian jin yong ; li xu wei
A New Edge-detecting Algorithm of Images
zhou zuo ; qi fei hu
An Efficient Thinning Algorithm for Binary Images
lv jun bai
Design and Development of the Advanced Control Algorithms Software
xiang li zhi ; tan jie ; zou yi ren
TCP/IP-based Network Bandwidth Measurement Methodology and Tool
yang feng ; yang zuo yuan ; wang zuo ; bi jing ping
A Service-oriented Negotiation Model Between Autonomous Agents
liu xin ; gao ji
Fingerprint Verification Based on Image-matching
ma kang yu ; liu chao ; liu yue feng
An Automatic Recognition Method for Strip Image in Image Analysis System
he lin ; li jian wei
COM-based Automatic Drawing of Bore Card and Bore Log
yang xu ; huang jia zhu ; yang mei
Attack Model Based on Attack Tree and Agent Technique
zuo liu xing ; lu peng jun ; wang li na ; zhang huan guo
Implementation of Kernel Component in MAS-based Group Decision Support System
ding yong mei ; chen mao gou
Paths Selection for Software Test and Its Performance Analysis Based on Software Usage Model
rong guo ping ; cai zhi ; han zuo ; pan jin gui
Analysis on Real-time Performance of Linux Embedded System
zhao ming fu ; li tai fu ; chen hong yan ; hu xin yu
Research and Application of Time Series Based on Rough Set in Mobile Computing
liu gang ; li de min ; zhao li na
File System With Real-time Data Compression
zhang yi nong ; wu si dong ; wu xiu shan
Implementation of a Classification Arithmetic Based on SLIQ
tan yong ; rong qiu sheng
A Parellel Scheme of Particle Tracing Algorithm
zhao xiao ling ; sun ji zhou
Workflow Management System Based on Agile Supply Chain
ye liang peng ; wang zheng cheng ; tian jing hong ; wang feng
Requirement Analysis Based on Formalized Method
ta wei na ; he ji feng
Integration System of NSA and NSS for Web-based E-business Negotiation
jiang hong ; yu qing song ; gu jun zhong
Modeling of Concurrent Product Development Process Based on Data and Resource Constraints
liu qing hua ; xiong ti fan ; wan li
Graphic Symbol Editing System Based on Dynamic Drawing
zhu da yong ; guo si wen
Multiple QoS Route-control Fallback+ Based on Dijkstra Strategy
yang yun ; xu yong hong ; cao li zuo ; liu feng yu
Using Decomposition Method to Calculate SKT Reliability of Large-scale Network
wang fang ; hou chao zuo
Fire Automatic Recognition Based on Image Visual Feature
xu wei sheng ; tian chang zheng ; fang sheng ming
Study on Real Time of Particle System
zhang qin ; zhang jian ; zuo jian ping
Application of UML and ROSE in the Development of Damage Assemssment System
wang run sheng ; jia xi sheng ; liu li ; du xiao ming
Architecture of Education Call Center
huang xiao ping ; zhang shi yong
Code Optimization Strategy for the Specific Digital Signal Processors
yan li ; yao qing dong
Study of Improving the Small-write Performance of RAID
li jie qiong ; feng dan ; zhang zuo
Web Service-based Resource Management in Adaptive Workflow System
li dong lai ; wang feng jin ; han yan bo
Mining Algorithm of Weighted-decision-rules Based on Decision Table
zhang hong yu ; liang ji ye
A New Hybridized Genetic Algorithm for Solving Multi-objective Optimization Problems
niu zhi hua ; li nai cheng ; xiao guo zhen
Design for Self-organized Prediction System Based on Experience Evolution
zhao chun ze ; gao xiao qiang ; zheng zhong
Design and Implementation for EIT System of 32 Electrodes
xia chen ; mo yu long
Application of ASP.NET in Implementing E-commerce System
wang zhi xiao ; zhang jing ; li jun huai ; wang feng ; hou hao lu
Application of Data Visualization in Temperature Field Numberical Simulation
yin zhi xi ; hou hua ; mao hong kui
Design & Implementation of Embedded System Based on ARM7TDMI
wan chen zuo ; hou ying xin
An Improved Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees
yang chun ling
Adaptive Image Denoising Based on Lifting Wavelet
zhao ai hua ; hu fang yu ; fan yu
Robotic Teleoperation Based on Web
guo ya ning ; chen yi min
Remote Monitoring System Based on a Node in the LonWorks Network
cui zhen bing ; zeng bi
Application of CAN Bus in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
tian jiang xue ; qu wei dong
Design of Relational Database Based on OO
wu hong yan ; liu si yuan
Virtual Operating Training System of Certain Weapon System
liu peng yuan ; li rui ; zhang xi en
Method of Improving the Plasticity of EIS Software
qian de fu
Research of Network Application Efficiency Based on Client
ai you wei ; li wei ; huang zuo ; wang zuo
State-based Modeling of CDT On-Line Sytem
qian meng ; liu zhong ; deng su ; chen wei dong
A Novel Use of Residual Noise Model in PMC
zuo cai lian ; wang yang sheng
Image Feature Extracting of Cells in ASIPP Microbeam System
wang xiao hua ; wang shao hu ; yu zeng liang
NodeOS in Active Network
zhang bin ; guo jun
Adaptability of Parallel Computing Model in the NOWs Environment
song an jun ; peng qin ke ; hu bao sheng
Wear Debris Image Thresholding Based on Correlation Criterion
wang wei hua ; ma yan yan ; wang cheng zuo ; ye jun
Automatic Verification of Parameterized Leader Election Protocols
xu wei wen ; lu zuo da
Multiobjective Optimization Algorithm Based on (μ+1) Evolutionary Strategy
zhou yu ren ; li yuan xiang ; wang yong ; zhou ji xiang
Wind Field Measurement Simulation and Experiment Platform Based on Adaptive Filters
cai zuo ; chan zhu wang
Study of Software Development Using ACE
zhang yong de ; li xiu yan
Design of Intranet Video Monitoring System Based on Peer-to-Peer
chen yu ; tang xu zhang
Properly Greedy Parallel Prefetching Algorithm Based on RAID
wu zhi gang ; feng dan ; zhang jiang ling