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Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics
2001 Issue 3
zhong wen 2000(linux) cao zuo xi tong shang shi
wang da sheng
Video Similarity Measurement
wu yi ; zhuang yue ting ; pan yun he
Cooperative CAD System Based on CSCW
wang kui sheng ; li ren hou ; li hong min ; zhang peng cheng ; ren yan hua
The Study of Time Computation of Yang-Feng Network
yang zhi long ; he yu lin
Solution to Topological Variation in Parametric Feature Modeling
liu xiong wei ; zheng hai bo ; tu xiao ming
Recursive Algorithm for Conversion of Bzier Curves and Said-Ball Curves
chen ling jun ; wang guo zhao ; luo yan lin ; tong ruo feng
General Algorithm for Scan Line Based Meshed Image Processing
ling hai bin ; wu bing
An Improved Real-Time Walkthrough Algorithm Based on Hybrid Geometry and Texture Simplification
xiao dan ; zhang ming min ; pan zhi geng ; zhou kun
An Approach to Intelligent Rapid Product Development Based on Product Dynamic Model
zhao ji yun ; zhong ting xiu
Boolean Process Based Waveform Simulation for Combinational Circuit
li li jian ; zuo ying zuo
A Novel STACK Generation Technique for MOS Analog Cell Circuit Layout
li ming yuan ; zeng zuo ; tang zuo shan ; zhou dian
Picture-Based Virtual Touring
yang jian ; geng wei dong ; pan yun he ; li ming
The Multi-Level Representation of Product Information for Virtual Assembly
liu zhen yu ; tan jian rong ; zhang shu you
Representation and Detection of Planar Extended Contour
rao shang rong ; jin wen hua ; tang wei qing ; liu shen quan
Approaches to Solve Cost Engineering Problem During the Product Design Phase
zhao liang ; feng pei en ; pan shuang xia
A Computer Aided System Supporting for DFQ
yu zhong hua ; zhang fang zuo ; wu jian lin ; wu zhao tong
Object Reconstruction from Geometric Features and Constraints in Reverse Engineering
jin tao ; dan yan ; tong shui guang
A Graphic Library Approach for AEC Oriented CAD System
yuan zheng gang ; tang wei qing ; liu shen quan ; wu xue qin
A Constraint-Based CAD System Using User-Defined Features
duan hai bo ; ma mei ; yang xiao guang ; deng jia xuan