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Water Saving Irrigation
2010 Issue 9
Study on Root Distribution Rule of Cotton in Drip Irrigation Under Mulched-film
WANG Yi-min;HUDAN-Tumarbay;ZHANG Jin-zhu;YI Peng-fei;WU Zheng-guang
Effect of Different Planting Density on Morphological Index, Water Consumption and Yield of Summer Maize
LIU Zhan-dong;XIAO Jun-fu;NAN Ji-qin;FENG Yue-hua
Application of SCGM(1,1)c Model in Crops Water Requirement Forecast
ZHANG Xin;CAI Huan-jie
Response of Two Corn Varieties to Water and Density in Piedmont
YU Miao;ZHEN Wen-chao;WANG Zhen-yu;WEN Hong-da
Numerical Simulation of Soil Water Movement and Deep Seepage of Jujube Orchard in Drought Area
REN Yu-zhong;DONG Xin-guang;WU Bin;XU Xuan
Physiological Response of Maize Root to Drought and Rewatering under Partial Root Irrigation
YUAN Li-na;HU Tian-tian;KANG Shao-zhong;HU Xiao-tao
Soft-sensing for Leaf Water Potential of Summer Corn Based on Micro-environment Factors
DAI Fang-yuan;LU Sheng-li;PAN Yan-mei
Test Study on Increasing Fruit-Setting of Young Chinese Jujube in Arid Area
YAO Peng-liang;DONG Xin-guang;MA Ying-jie
Silt Calculation and Numerical Simulation of River with Vegetation Flexible Dam
LIU Feng;QIU Xiu-yun;ZHOU Zhu
Effect of Different Drip Irrigation Treatments on Growth and Yield of Spring Wheat
WANG Ke-quan;HE Xin-lin;WANG Zhen-hua;GE Yu
Transient Numerical Simulation for Three-Dimension How Field in a Multistage Stamping Pump
HUANG Si;YANG Guo-mang;SANG Di-ke
Study on Rotor Flux-orientation Control Strategy for Photovoltaic Pump System with MPPT
WANG Ji-dong;SU Hai-bin;WANG Ling-hua;CHANG Rui
Study on Real-time Evaluation Based on 3S Technology for Economic Loss of Drought in Yunnan Province
YANG Heng-xi;SHI Zheng-tao;GU Xiao-mei;LI Yu-feng
Application of AGA-FAHP in Bids Evaluation of Construction Projects
GUO Qi;TIAN Zhi-chao;ZENG Lu
Effect Factors on Dragged Center Pivot Irrigation System in Drag Operation Point Process
HOU Yong-sheng;QIAN Yi-chao;ZHU Yong;YU Peng-fei;CAI Zhen-hua;Ouyang Jun
Vibration Measurement and Fault Analysis for Gao-Xian Pumping Station
JIANG Jin;WENG Xiao-hong;WANG Jing;CHEN Jian;CHEN Yue
Design of WSN Sink Nodes of Water Regime Collecting System
CHEN Wei-bing;ZHEN Yu-li
tao lai he liu yu chu shi shui quan fen pei tan xi
zuo hong hua
Influence of Distance between Drip-irrigation Belts and Emitters on Yield of Cucumber and Economic Benefit
zhang xiu jie ; kong qing hua ; li guang yong ; zuo xue wen