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Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition)
2013 Issue 1
Principles and Methods in Mastering Socialist Rules with Chinese Characteristics
ZHANG Xing-mao;YANG Zhi-yong
“Subject Positions” and Politics of Identity
FAN Yong-kang
Report of Survey of Ancient Miao's Character in Chengbu of Shaoyang City
LONG Shi-ping;ZENG Xiao-guang;XAIO Qing
On the Political Conflict
HU Rui-jun
Qi:the Vigor Element in Chinese Aesthetics
LI Tian-dao
wen hua yan jiu ruo gan wen ti zai tan huang zhuo yue jiao shou fang tan
huang zhuo yue ; zou zan
On the Internet Announcement Service System
HUANG Liang-you;WEN Ting-ting
Practical Turn and Aesthetic Logics
ZHANG Yu-neng
On the Various Factors Influencing Social Mentality
SUN Wei-ping
Existence and Freedom
YANG Chun-shi
The Abuse of Traditional Imprisonment and Its Way Out
HE Xian-bing