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Journal of Higher Education Management
2013 Issue 1
xin xi dong tai
Post-graduates' Undertaking of Responsibility for the Construction of Academic Credit
RAO Jia-hui;WANG Hong-juan;ZHANG Nai-sheng
Some Key Concerns about the Enrollment of Doctoral Candidates
ZHANG Li-qian
Implications of the British System of Postgraduates' Academic Research Ability Cultivation
REN Xiao-fei;LU Jing;YUAN Xin-yi
Implications of the Research of Cooperative Teachers in Western Universities
ZHANG Bo-wei;LV Li-jie
Reflections on the Construction of High Quality Recourses of On-line Open Courses
ZHANG Zhi-yong;LI Guo-qing
Practical Exploration of the Appraisal of College Counselors' Performance
SHI Jin-hua;YAO Guan-xin
Teaching Strategies for Knowledge Certainty Transition
ZHU Yu-ping