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Jiangsu Electrical Apparatus
2001 Issue 6
Application of Coating Techniques to Equipment
Tao Yongde
The Edge Detection and Matching of Contact Surface of Electrical Apparatus
Sun Hui;Liu Jiaomin;Sun Zhuangzhi;Wangfan
Design and Materials of Connector Elastic Contacts
Deng zhiqui;Shen Xin;Wan Qing;Ge Fenzhao;Yin qiu
Calculation of Position System
Shi xiaobo
Selection and Use of LV Isolators
Chen Peiguo
Introduction to A Magnetic-reverse Display System Equipment
JIN Weiping;Bian Shangyun
Computer Data Acquisition System for Switchgear Current Tests
Ding Zhengping;QI Zhongyi
Features and Applications of Squeeze Taps
Dong Weixiong