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Financial Theory and Practice
2003 Issue 3
TheWay to Resolve the Debt of State-owned Enterprise in China
zhang kun lun ; kong fan bao
The Issue of Asset-securitilization in China
fan da lu
A Few Suggestions on the Reform of Rural Finance in China
huang bao xin
The Construction in China Financial Credit
zhou zai qing ; peng jian gang
On the Financial Supervision against Network Economy in China
liang zuo ; yang wei xin
A Research into the Unofficial Finance
yi qiu lin ; guo hui
Some Error in Macro-model of Monetary Mreation
zhang xin ze
The Effectiveness of Banking Supervision in China
wang yin zhi
Probing into the Legal System of Mortgaged Loan
kong de jun
The Trend of RMB Interest Rate and Securities Market
pei shao feng
Some Opinions on the Guaranteed Insurance on Export Drawback Loan
su ai guo ; zhao rui
zhi chi shui fei gai ge yao xuan zhun qie ru dian
sun jian xing
zi chan jing ying bu zuo yong dai fa jue
di chuan hai
jia qiang liang mian qi ye ying shou zhang kuan guan li
yang jia sheng ; zhao dong liang ; liu zhen
gai ge wo guo yin xing feng xian ping ji
he huai qing ; wu chao ; li li hua
qiang hua nei kong ying cong zhi du ru shou
lv ze zhong
yin xing xin dai deng ji zi xun xi tong de gong neng dai wan shan
yuan yong zhi ; wang yan hua
xian yu nong xing ying zhong shi ge ren dai kuan
lan qing feng
mu lu zhai yao ying yi
duan ya juan
chun se
zhou bo
The Reform of Financial Supervisory System in China
niu yong tao
Some Considerations about Credit Risk Severity System in Commercial Banks
ren xue tang ; ren meng jie
On the Sharement of Financial Statistical Information
wang ji ning
The Position of Asset Management Corporation in the Market
liu gui sheng ; wan hu gao
On the Adjustment of Financial Institutions in Less-developed Areas
ma shi jie ; geng he ping ; peng jin ; hao hua min
Risks and Risk-control of Commercial Banking Management
zheng xiao chun