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2005 Issue 3
How to feed pet as a office worker
To be a responsible dog owner
Xiong Ying;Jin Ling
Pet dog become "chicken's mother"
jiang tao ; tian yan hong ; xiao ya
The response and express ability of narcotile dog
Cao Gang
The essential in dog's obedience training
Fu Shaohua
Actual exercise for Spaniel training
Wei Yuanyuan;Sun Lin;Tian Yaojin
Attention and prevention Toxoplasma while with dog
Dai Xiaoming
A case for dog's cunt emerged cure
Yang Xingjun
Tend and protect in the course of dog's propagate
Li Laiyou
Pet dog, a wordless supporter in my heart
Zhen richang;Zhou Xia
Pet should bant when spring coming
Police dog with tears while making apart
Yan Chuanguo
solved a vital plunder case by Police dog tracking
Wu Xueji;Zheng Lifeng
The drug dog in Australia custom
Sun Longgen;Qian Jun;ZhouJianming
Make science use of "Strengthen" theory in training
Guan Jian;Xiong Qian;Niu Xiaoli
The diagnose for dog's mouth-opened obstacle
Dong Junyan;Xie Weidong;Lou Hongjun
Talk about the origin of police dog
Sui Guoqi;Zhang Fuwen;Peng Ping
The prevention and treatment of the rabies for policedog and trainer from 1980 to 2003
Zhang Huidong;Xu Hankun;Miao Qin
Talk about the training method for earthquake rescue dog
Yang Yuming;Zhang Zhi;Lu Xingfei;Anhua
What is the more vital in canine economy: invest requirement or consume requirement?
Guo Shoutang;Zhou Xiaopeng;Xiong Ying
Great Dane