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Journal of Financial Development Research
2015 Issue 3
Emotional Portfolio Model and Empirical Analysis--Based on the Analysis of the Prospect Theory
Guan Heshan;,Liu Dingding;,Xie Tian;
Challenges Faced by Health Care Reform
Sanjeev Gupta;,Benedict Clements;,David Coady;,Translated by Wang Yu;
Cooperation on International Reserves Before and After the Global Financial Crises
Joshua Aizenman;,Yin-Wong Cheung;,Hiro Ito;,Translated by Song Ying;,Lu Zhenkun;
Empirical Analysis on the Reason of P2P ’s Closing Down
Li Xianling;
Industry Associations and Blood Affection:Two Main Direction of Farmers Loan Guarantees
Hu Zhenbing;,Feng Bo;,Ding Feng;,Ren Mingwu;
Consideration and Reconfiguration:Corporate Governance of SMCBs
wang dong ;, zhu he ;, zhang yan cong ;, wang jing ;, ji yong ;
an bei jing ji xue wai yi xing feng xian ji dui ce
gao zi han ;