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Journal of Jinan University(Natural Science & Medicine Edition)
2012 Issue 1
Synthesis of 14-member macrolactam containing amine
WANG Guo;ZHAI Hao-zhen;CHEN He-ru
Application of TEM and SAED on inorganic nano-materials
OUYANG Jian-Ming;XIA Zhi-Yue;LU Peng
Effects of stocking densities on behavior and physiological activity in Litopenaeus vannamei
YI Meng-meng;YU He-nan;LIN Xiao-tao;XU Zhong-neng;ZHOU Xiao-zhuang
DNS access analysis and autonomous realization of Internet
DIAO Yu-ping;DIAO Yong-ping;LIAO Ming
Screening of the antifungal strains of actinomycetes and the study on one of the active strains
LIN Hong;PU Xiao-ming;ZHANG Rong-liu;ZHOU Guang-xiong;LIN Bi-run
Recent development in platinum complexes with anticancer activities and the underlying mechanisms
CHEN Tian-feng;LI Lin-lin;YU Lian-ling;YANG Fang;ZHENG Wen-jie
The semi-synthetic technology of Vinpocetine
JIANG Hua;CHEN Rong-rong;PU Han-lin
xin xi dong tai
Asymptotic stability of boundary layer solutions for generalized BBM-Burgers equation
LIU Yan;LUO Ci-jun;LIU Hong-xia
Extended Wardrop equilibrium in infinite multiclass traffic network
WANG Li;YANG Qing-ji
Vertex operator algebra analogue of the embedding D8 into E8
CHU Yan-jun;CHENG Jun-fang;ZHENG Zhu-jun
A branch and bound algorithm for a class of nonlinear sum of ratios problem
LI Xiao-ai;LIU Jin-wei
Fermentation of Bifidobacterium lactis utilizing Tilapia viscera
PENG Xi-chun;LUO Ke-li;CHEN Wei-qun
FPGA-based signal source design for Loran-C
ZHU Dao-shan
Inhibitory effects of ten flavonoids against two harmful algae
LI Yun-Hui;Wu Ting;YANG Wei-Dong;LI Hong-Ye;LIU Jie-Sheng