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Journal of Southern Yangtze University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)
2004 Issue 6
Experience Design and Story Topic
xia min yan
Research on Causes of Digital Product Homogeneity
gao feng ; zhu yi zuo ; jiang jian min
2004 nian zong mu ci
Discussion on Silver Decoration Art in Zangzu and Miaozu Finery Culture
liang hui e ; liu su qiong
Thinking Aloud:An Effective Methodology in Language Study
liu dan dan
Rereading Ding Ling's Novels on Revolution and Love
shi wan peng
Reconsideration on Tax Revenue Loss
meng fei ; duan yu feng
The Creation of History and Accumulation of Annotations
zou xing ming
A Study on Lao Zi's Native Town
li shui hai
Restructuring of the Independent Director System of Chinese Listed Companies
li liang ( nai ); rao lei ji
Current Resistant Elements in the Law Awareness Modernization in our Country
zuo wen sheng ; zuo zhi xia
Priority of Special Creditor's Rights
meng fan chao ; gu guo ping
Explanation of Ethic Meaning of "Invisible Hands"
xue wei zuo
Issues on the Definition of International Terrorism
ding qiang
Chinese Aestheticism in the Perspective of Comparative Poetics
gao zhao cheng
Significance of Wen Yiduo's View on Poetics
wang guang ming
Understanding System of College Management Innovation
cheng mian zhong
Effects of Knowledge Economy on Accounting Environment and Goals
zhang tian bing
Development of Subject of Science and Technology in Wuxi
zhang yun xia ; cai hong mei ; wang gu zuo ; wang ya ning