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Journal of Jingmen Technical College
2007 Issue 2
Another Perspective in Understanding Congwen Autobiography
CHENG Hong;DAI Guang-zhong
Some Thoughts on Lu Xun Biography Composing
MENG Gui-Zan
Features of Dickinson's Imagism Poems
LIU Nuo-ya
The Necessity to Stress the Importance of Social Justice under Present Conditions
SHENG Xiao-ming;XU Zhong-lin
Tense Issue in Overlapping Sentences in Chinese
QI Cong-duo
Spexism in English Expressions
ZHU Jin-yan
A Research into the Grain-processing Industry of Jingmen
HUANG Da-xue;LIU Guo-bing
Analyzing China Dual Economy Based on the Neoclassical Growth Model
YI yong-xi;WANG Pei-xian
Library management and the knowledge management relations
ZHENG Lun-wei
View on Ancient Gu Xu Method
LONG Yong-fang
A New Look at Cultural Research
CHEN Fang-zhu