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Journal of Jimei University(Natural Science)
2008 Issue 2
Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem
NING Zheng-yuan;LIN Da-hui;LI Li-shan;ZHONG Yi-wen
A Novel Computational Method for Problem with Two Small Parameter
CAI Xin;CAI Dan-lin
Fabrication of Photonic Crystal with Holography and Its Application in LED
ZHAO Feng-mei;LIU Shou;ZHANG Xiang-su;REN Xue-chang
Optimal Locations of MR Dampers in Vibration Systems
YANG Guang;CHEN Zhu-ping
Fault Diagnosis of Speed-regulating Valve Using Time Series Bi-spectrum
JIANG Yu-yan;HUANG Yi-jian
Study of Test and Control System for Wet Compression Supercharged Engine Experiment-rig
JIANG De-song;CHEN Jing-feng
New Trends of Control Methods for Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chain
ZHANG Xiao-li;REN Ru-guang
Design of Robust H∞ Controller for Uncertain Delta Operator Time-delay Systems
PENG Ren-chong;LIN Rui-quan;YANG Fu-wen
Iterative Learning Control for Discrete Nonlinear System Based on T-S Model
ZHANG Li-ping;WANG Wu;YANG Fu-wen
Application of Fractal Theory into Image Coding
DING Xiao;YANG Sheng
Energy Consumption Factors Analysis and Simulation of Wireless Sensor Networks
YANG Guang-song;SHI Jiang-hong;CHEN Hong-xia;MA Zhong-hua;CHEN Chao-yang
An Auto-adapt Control Method for Single Loop Feed-forward Power Amplifiers
SU Kai-xiong;YE Yu-huang
Setup and Control of Initial Parameter of Shim Power in NMR System
TAN Jun;ZHENG Zhen-yao;CAI Cong-bo;CHEN Zhong
A Certificateless Multisignature Scheme
LIANG Hong-mei;HUANG Hui;WU Chen-huang;HUANG Zhen-jie
The Visualization of G(o)del Programs
WANG Liang-lin;ZHAO Zhi-zhuo;LI Ling
A Parallel Reasoning Model for G(o)del
LI Ling;ZHAO Zhi-zhuo;LI Song-bin;WANG Liang-lin;XIA Jin-cun
Design on High-speed Dynamic Data-distribution Based on Network Processor
LIU Yan-hua;CHEN Guo-long;XIA Tian;GUO Wen-zhong