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Journal of Jilin Agricultural University
2009 Issue 5
Effect of Ecological Conditions on Fruit Quality and Yield of Blueberry
WANG Qing-he;YANG Zhong;LI Ya-dong;TANG Xue-dong;HUANG Xiu-rong;LIO Hai-guang
Raspberry Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation System Research
WANG Yu;GAO Qing-yu;ZHANG Bing-xiu
Effect of PEG Stress on Resistance of Lowbush Blueberry Callus
SUN Yue-ming;ZHANG Zhi-dong;LI Ya-dong;WU Lin;LIU Hai-guang
Effect of Mulching in Blueberry Orchard on Soil Microbe
YU Qiang-bo;LI Ya-dong;ZHANG Zhi-dong;LIU Hai-guang;WU Lin
Effect of Stratification Treatments on the Seed Germination of European Mountain-Ash (Sorbus aucuparia) from Different Regions in Alps
HAN Cai-ping;PAN Wei;YU Zhi-jia;HU Yong-qiang;YUAN Cai-xia;YU Peng-tao;WANG Yan-hui;ZHANG Qing-hua
Bolting Flavonoid-Producing Endophytic Fungi from Vaccinium
LI Shun-uo;LI Ya-dong;WANG Qi
Elementary Study on Fruit Characters and Juice Nutrient Components of Blackcurrant Cultivars (Strains) in Harvest Time
LIANG Ying-hai;LI Ya-dong;ZHANG Zhi-dong;WU Lin;ZHANG Bing-bing;SONG Hong-wei
Changes of Aroma Components in Highbush Blueberry "Sierra" during Fruit Development
WEI Hai-rong;SUN Yang;LI Guo-tian;ZHANG Li-si;AI Cheng-xiang;LIU Qing-zhong
Study on Marketing Strategy of Processed Blueberry Production in Chi-na
LI Yi-shuang;WU Lin;LI Ya-dong;TANG Xue-dong;ZHANG Zhi-dong;LIU Hai-guang
Investigation and Causal Analysis of Epidemic of Raspberry Gray Mold in Liaoning Province
YAN Xue-rui;FU Jun-fan;YU Shu-yi;DAI Han-ping;ZHOU Ru-jun;JIANG You-cai
Biological Characteristics of Cercospora. rosicola of Raspberry Gray Spot
ZHOU Ru-jun;HAN Xiao;FU Chao;YAN Xue-rui;FU Jun-fan;YU Hong
Identification of Pathogen Causing Gray Spot on Raspberry
FU Jun-fan;HAN Xiao;ZHOU Ru-jun;YAN Xue-rui;FU Chao;YU Hong
Preliminary Report of Pests and Diseases on Raspberry in Liaoning Province
FU Jun-fan;FU Chao;YAN Xue-rui;DAI Han-ping;YU Shu-yi;HAN Xiao
Determination and Analysis of Content of Heavy Metals in Orchard Soil and Fruit of Blueberry
JIANG Jing;WU Lin;TANG Xue-dong;ZHAO Shan-shan;LI Ya-dong;ZHANG Zhi-dong;LIU Hai-guang
Residue Dynamics of Quizalofop-P-ethyl in Blueberry Fruit and Soil
ZOU Rong-qian;WU De-jie;WU Lin;LI Ya-dong;ZHANG Zhi-dong;LIU Hai-guang
Polish Small Fruit Breeding Program-Aims and Achievements
(Z)urawicz E.;Pluta S.;Masny A.;Danek J.
Breeding Report of A New Early Season Blackcurrant Variety "Suiyan 1"
SONG De-lu;GAO Qing-yu;WU Li-ren;SUN Lan-ying;ZHANG Kun;DUAN Ya-dong
Spectacular Rubus Resources in China
GU Yin;WANG Chuan-yong;YU Hong;HE Shan-an
Study on Optimization of SSR Analysis System for Blueberry
CUI Jian-min;YANG Zhong;ZOO Rong-qian;LI Ya-dong;WEN Jing-hui;ZHAO Shuang
Studies on the Trend of Inheritance of Main Characters of Blackcurrant Fruit in Hybrid Progenies
SUI Wei;HUO Jun-wei;ZHANG Yu-lei
Effects of Corn Stalk and Inorganic Nitrogen Amending Soil on the Growth and Fruit of Blueberry
ZHAO Shan-shan;TANG Xue-dong;LI Ya-dong;HUANG Xiu-rong
Study on Organic Acid of Root Exudates of Vaccinium
LI Xue-chun;YANG Zhong;LI Ya-dong
Effect of Applying Different Substrates on Ingredient and Content of Or-ganic Acid in Blueberry Root Exudates
LIU Bo;LI Ya-dong;WU Lin;TANG Xue-dong;LIU Hai-guang;ZHANG Zhi-dong
Influencing Factors of Callus Induction on Blueberry Anther in Vitro
YOU Lai-qiu;LI Xiao-yan;ZHANG Zhi-dong;LI Ya-dong;WU Lin;LIU Hai-guang
Effects of Antibiotics on Regeneration of Leaves of Two Blueberry Culti-vars
XING Rui-dan;LIU Oing-zhong;CHEN Xin;LI Ya-dong
Determination of POD, CAT and PAL Enzyme Activity in Leaves of Hippophae Rhamnoides
LIU Shu-ying;AN Wei;XU Xin-wei;LIU Hong-zhang;YANG Zhong
Studies on Genetic Stability of Blueberry in Vitro
LI Xiao-yan;ZHANG Zhi-dong;LI Ya-dong;WU kin;LIU Hai-guang
Identification of Blueberry Cultivars and Evaluation of Their Genetic Re-lationship by ISSR Technique
YU Hong;GO Yin;HE Shan-an;JIANG Yan-qin
Studies on Purification of Total Flavonoids from the Marc of Blueberry by Macroporous Resins
QIAN Hui-bi;XIN Xiu-lan;LAN Rong;LI Ya-dong
Effect of Pre-Harvest Spraying of Calcium on Fruit Quality and Free Radical Scavenging Ability in Raspberry during Postharvest Periods
LI Li;WANG You-sheng;ZHANG Fan;WANG Gui-xi;LIU Xiao-yan;ZHANG Qing-hua
Extraction and Analysis of Fatty Acid of Seabuckthorn
CHEN Xiao-ying;LIU Hong-zhang;LIU Shu-ying;WANG Bai-Huan
Analysis of Nutritional Components of Ribes L.
TIAN He;ZHANG Zhi-dong;LI Ya-dong;WU Lin;LIU Hai-guang
Application of Principal Component Analysis in Quality Evaluation In-dices of Fruit Quality for Ribes
TIAN He;ZHANG Zhi-dong;LI Ya-dong;WU Lin;LIU Hai-guang