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Journal of Jilin Agricultural University
1999 Issue S1
Effect of Two Kinds of Wintering Methods on Growth and Water Stress Tolerance Ability of Blueberry
WU Lin; LIU Hai-guang; ZHANG Zhi-dong; LI Ya-dong
Yields Technique of Improving Maize Single Cross Hybrids
WEI Bing-wu et al.
High Perfomace Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Triazophos
ZHANG Hao; QI Chao; LU Zhong-bin
The Studies on Artificial Neural Network Using in Pesticide Environmental Toxicology
SONG Gui-ru; LI Ze-hong; LIU Xing-quan
The New Way of Improving Corn Production Economic Benefit
WANG Xing-lu et al.
Pharmacology Activity of Deer Bone Glue
CHENG Pei-ying;YU Shou-ping.YU Xiao-feng;SUI Da-yuan
Comparison of between France LIM and Corn Variety in Jilin Province
Comparison of between France LIM and Corn Variety in Jilin Province
Sustainable Development Strategies of Towns Lands in Jilin Province
LI Wen-zhong; WANG Shu-ling
Thoughts on Establishing State-Owned Land Reserve System
LI Feng-zhi
Effect of Laser Light on Duck-Eggs Hatchability
YANG Xiao-jie; ZHAN Tie-nan; TIAN Gui-qing
Studies on Cultivation of Amygdaloid Apricot "Longwangmao
FENG Yu-cai et al.
Introducing and Observation of Red Leaf Plum
CAO Feng-ming ;CAO Xi-jun;LI Feng; WANG Qing-cai
Main Weed Species and Geographical Distribution in Jilin Province
ZHANG Hui-li; WANG Wen-zhong; QU Li-tao; LI Jing-wen
The Countermeasure of Deepening the Reformation of Rural Economic System in Jilin Province
LI Yu-wen; WANG Xinglu; HU Chun-ling; LI Shu-xian
Development and Use of Callitriche elegans
WANG Yan-qiu; ZANG Yang; ZANG Shi-wen; WU Shu-qing
The Superiority Progress of Jilin Province Planting Structure
SUN Ai-jun; MAO Yan-jun; HUANG hai; SHAN Kui-xian
Probe of the Patent Right Assessing
QI Gui-xiang
Public Relation Strategy of Enterprise in Market Economy Conditions
WANG Jin-li; LI Ying-jie
Probe of Economical Responsibilties Audit
ZHANG Li-feng et al.
High Yield Cultivate Technique on Panax quinquefollium L. in the Field
REN Yue-ying et al.
A Comparative Study on Fatty Acid and Cholesterol of Oviducts ranae and Frog Oviducts
WEI Gong-qing; YANG Bao-tian; ZHANG Ai-wu; SU Feng-yan
Systems Analysis on Suatained Development of Agriculture
QI Shu-hua;HAO Qing-sheng; WANG Xi-chun
Grey Exponential Fitting Method of Pesticide Degradation
XU Hong-min; LIU Jin-ying; QI Shu-hua
Consciousness of Sci-Tech Journal
LIU Zhao-juan; LIU Gui-rong
The Experiment of Shallow Furrow Applying Undecomposed Chicken Manure in Sunlight Greenhouse
XIE Wen-ting; SUN Yan-jun; WANG Xiao-dong; WANG Ji-hong
Application of Internet Technique in Sci-Tech Journal Edit Work
JU Shan-hong et al.
Improve Apply Method of Phosphate Fertilizer
JIANG Wen-bin et al.
Study on Editor Theory of Sci-Tech Journal in China
LIU Gui-rong et al.
Qualities of an Editor of Sci-Tech Periodicals in the Present Age
ZHAO Li-hua et al.
Effect of Temperature and Moisture on the Rate of PCNB Degradation in Soil
ZHAO Xiao-song;WANG Yu-jun.SUN An-na;WANG Hong-jie
Exist Problem and Improve Measure of Thesis Abstract in Sci-Tech Write
JIA Hui-ming et al.
The Determination of Stability Constants of Zn(TAPP) with HPLC
QI Chao; LIU Shu-qing; QIU Xue-fei; ZHAO Xiao-song
Difficulty and Countermeasure of Archives Collection of University-Run Enterprises
CHENG Shu-yun; LI Qun; HUANG Hai
Introduction of the Study Object of the Library Science
HU Bo et al.
Problems of a Talented Person Flow about University
XIAO Shu-xia et al.
Self-Training of the Archivist in New Period
LI Qun; HUANG Hai; CHENG Shu-yun; ZHANG Yang
The Prevention and the Treatment of Bulge for Roll Material Roofing
ZHANG Xiao-dong et al.
Study on Electric Design and Civil Construction of High Build
JIN Yan-xing et al.
The Reform of Rear-Service Socialization in University
YANG He-yuan; SONG Han-qing; PAN Wei-zhi; CONG Yu-sen
The Advantage of Multimedia CAI in the Teaching
ZHANG Ying et al.
The Application of CAI Teaching Program in Drawing Geometry
YAN Guan; REN You; ZOU Fei-zhou
Generalization of Roulier Theorem
WANG Yu-jie;ZHANG Da-ke
Studies on the Activites of Amylase of Walleye(Stizosedion vitreum)
ZHOU Jing-xiang; ZHANG Dong-ming; HUANG Quan; YU Tao
Embryonic Development Time and Absolute Fecundity of Dolly Varden Charr (S. malma) in Yalu River
HUANG Quan; ZHANG Dong-ming;ZHOU Jing-xiang; LIU Chun-li
Study of Calculating Method on Analysis of Susceptivity
LIU Hui-chun et al.
Age and Growth of the Snakehead Fish (O. argus) in Huanghua Lake
WU Li-fang; ZHANG Dong-ming; HUANG Quan; ZHOU Jing-xiang et al.
Relationship of between Plasma Hormone Level and Milk Production of Cattle
CHAI Xiao-jie; YU tao; WANG Shu-ping
Diagnoses of Rotaviral Infection in Piglets
GAO Yun-hang; SUN Ze-wei
Establishment of Radioimmunoassay for Cardiac Myosin Light Chain of Serum
YU Tao; CHAI Xiao-jie; JIANG Xiu-yun; ZHANG Lin-bo
Based on 8031 Control System on Test of Seeding Device
LI Xi-wu;WANG Ming-quan; ZHAO Qing-lai; MO Xiu-ling
Current Situation and Development Trend of Agriculture Facilities in Jilin Province
WANG He-ping;QIU Xiao-wei.LIU Shu-ji
Effect of Agriculture Mechanization on Agricultural Industrialization
WU Ming; ZHANG Zhao; PAN Feng-zhi; WU Wei
Education Reform of Automobile Tractor Repair Discipline
TANG Yong-jie et al.
The New Style of Agriculture Education in Knowledge Economy Times
BI Li; LI Qun; WANG Chun
Self-Cultivation of the Young Teachers in University
LUAN Jin-hua et al.
Application of Dimensional Chain to Tolerance Principle Analysis
WU Wei; YUAN Hong-yin; WU ming; PAN Feng-zhi
Quality Education and Modern Personel Training
LIU Wen-cong; LIU Hong-jun; WU Hai-wen
Action of the Quality Education in University
LUAN Shuang-jun et al.
Physical Education in University and Nationwide Body-Building
YAO Bing-ying
Design and Drawing of the Hyperbola Outline Hopper
YU Ping-bo et al.
The Opportunities and Challenges of Pig Farming Developing in Jilin Province
WANG Gui-xia; ZHENG Xiu-feng; LI Shu-jie
Economical Development of Sunan on Open and Enlighten Economical Program of Jilin Province
SHAO Xi-wu; SHAO Xi-wen; XU Ke-zhang
Changing of Chinese Rural Households’ Consumer Construction
LIU Xiao-li; ZHAO Chen-guang; LIU Jian; GUO Shu-yu
On the Problems of Adult Education Development
SONG Han-qing
Knowledge Economy and Reform Development of Education
JIA Hong.GAO Chang-yu; LUAN Shuang-jun
China’s Maize Production and Market Prospects in 21th Century
WANG Yao-ming et al.
Present Situation Analyse of Fixed Assets the Management in the University
XU Yue; MA Li-chun; LIU Xiao-li
The Intangible Assets and It Is Management in the University
LIU Xiao-li; MA Li-chun; XU Yue
Thought of Learning Deng Xiao-ping’s Theory New High Tide in Students
LIN Lin et al.
Probe of Ideological and Political Work in Universities under Market Economy Conditions
ZHANG Wan-zhi; SHAN Kui-xian; LUO Fu-yong
Supervision and Inspection of University Work under New Situation
HUANG Hai et al.