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Journal of Changchun University of Technology(Natural Science Edition)
2015 Issue 1
Mi crostructur e and properti es of 6005A-T6/6082-T6 aIuminum aIIoy weIded MIG and FSW joints
XIAO Jing;,GONG Wen-biao;,LIU Wei;,LIU Jie;
Forward and inverse kinematics simuIation of mi ni ature rescue manipuIator
XING Tian-yi;,LIU Chun-ming;,ZHANG Bang-cheng;,TAN Hai-dong;
Non-cont acti ng r ange measur ement i n automobiIe draft coIIision avoidance system
TANG Jia-rong;,WU Guang-bi;,TIAN Jin;
Countermeasures for DSG controI eIement signaI faiIure
XI Hong-xun;
PSD guided uItra-smooth mirror finishing
YANG Jin;,YIN Lu;,YAO Xue-feng;
ExperimentaI research on the temperature of speci aI magneti c gr ease seaI
YU Wei-bo;,YANG Li;,LIU Fang-xue;
InteIIigent LED controI system
LIU Hui;
MobiIe node IocaIization in a WireIess Sensor Network
SUN Yuan-ying;
Monitoring system for production environment based on STM 32
WANG Xiao-jing;,ZHAO Yin-hua;,SONG Bai-lin;,WANG Shao-dan;,LIU Ying-zhe;
Dijkstra based aIgorithm for vehicIe scheduIing and route optimizatio
YANG Li-juan;,LIU Bo-hai;
Lung par enchyma segment ati on on CT i mage
LIU Le;,LI Yang;,HOU A-lin;,SUN Chun-yan;,SUN Li;
Pr epar ati on of mi crocapsuI e phase change mat eri aI mort ar
CHEN Wei;,ZHU Cai-yue;
Screening of wine yeast in Iiquor
SUN Xiao-lu;,ZHANG Xin-hong;,WANG Ming-yue;
A w av eI et functi on based pr edi cti on method
ZHAO Ze-fu;
Quadratic optimization aIgorithm for the horizontaI compIementarity probIem
WANG Xiu-yu;,LI Wei-na;
Quantitative anaIysis on oId age major diseases insurance
JIAN Ling-ling;,GUO Xiao-ye;
AppIication of definite integraI eIement and integraI inequaIity
WANG Hai-zhou;