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Contamination Control & Air-Conditioning Technology
2007 Issue 2
xue hui jian xun 2
xue hui jian xun 1
Attractive Issues on Clean Room Construction and Installation
Design and Quality Control for HVAC System in Highly Clean Wards
LI Zaiqiu;AN Dawei;ZHANG Wensheng
The Environmental Control in Large Clean Room with Negative Pressure
XIONG Gang;SHEN Jinming;GAO Wenjia;MA Rongsheng
Discussion on the Plan of ICU
ZHOU Henjin;SUN Wenyuan;LI Baoyu;WANG Qiuchun
The Design Methods and Simulation of Push-pull Ventilation
GUO Peishan;FU Haiming;ZHAO Youjun;LI Yang
Experimental Research of Modular Laminar Booth with Leaktightness under Negative Pressure
HUANG Chen;GAO Wenzhong;ZHOU Zhijun;WANG Fei;TANG Yiping
Numerical Simulation of PVAC System
WANG Haitao
An Experimental Study on Fire Combustion Model in Air Duct
LONG Juan;LI Nianping;Liu Qian;GUAN Jun;LI Xinhua
TiO2 Photocatalytic Oxidation of Indoor Nitrogen Oxides
DONG Shuping;HU Xiaohong;LIU Yanhua
Effect Analysis of Air Conditioning Parameter on Particle Deposition in Air Conditioning Ventilation System
ZhANG Jie;LIU Zehua;LI Xiongzhi;CHEN Minming
Research and Development of An Absorbent for Carbon Dioxide Removal
Numerical Simulation of a Multi-tube High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter
ZHANG Fengchao;CAO Jiazong
A Study of Performance of Scroll Compressor under Liquid Refrigerant Injection
SHE Lifang;WU Junhui;LIU Zhenquan