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Contamination Control & Air-Conditioning Technology
2003 Issue 1
Cleanroom quality control
xu zhong zuo
Current status of foreign contamination control technology trend
fan cun yang ; xu wen hua
An analytical study of IAQ
li rui ; ding tao
Analysls of variable air volume system design
yu wen hong ; yang zhao ; zhang fu ren
An analytical study of designing HVAC system in clean operating room
zhou jun yan ; guo da rong ; chu chun ling
The environment characteristics of experimental animal room and its AC design
he zuo ; shen jin ming ; wang ya bing
Cleanliness measurement in pharmaceutical cleanroom
liu chun yan ; cai lai sheng ; liu gang
An Experimental study of cylinder-shaped HEPA filter
nie xue li ; cao jia zuo ; ding zuo
Building design for one pharmaceutical manufacturer
zuo yang
An analytical study of epoxy self- levelling flooring technology conformable to GMP
wang tian tang ; gong wei ; lu shi ping ; shen wei
Design of clean AC system ln pharmaceutical cleanroom
xiao hong mei ; han ke yong
Tutorial on air filter(二)
cai jie
Tutorial on Blological and Medical clean Techuology(二)
yu zuo hua ; xing yu bin