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Economic Herald
2002 Issue 4
Empirical Analysis on Capital cost of Listed Companies
ye xin cai ; zhang yun qi
Interaction of China's Financial Regulation and Innovation
zuo fang ping ; xia hong tao
Rule of Law, WTO and China's E-government
fan shi tao
Management Philosophy: From Henry Ford to Bill Gates
yu zhong ning ; zhao zuo
Where is Hong Dou?
liang xiao min
The Law of 80/20
pu ming shu
Main Methods of Evaluation of Corporate
chen xin ; sheng mei
Four Ms in EVA
si teng si te gong si ban shi chu
The EVA Revolution
al ehrbar; ling xiao dong
Main Issues and Measurements of Asset Management Markets
zhou xiao ming
Another interpretation of Eliminating Private Ownership
mao tian qi