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Research in Teaching
2010 Issue 3
Construction and practice of the network course of Basic Mechanic Engineering Control based on the blackboard
luo zhong ; hao li na ; liu shi qing ; liu hong yi
Review of study of professional development of physics teachers
liu zuo zuo ; sun hai bin
Research of creative personality of college students
li zuo zuo
Survey on professional quality of primary science teachers in China
liu mei juan ; liu mei feng ; lv jin jiao
on effective ways of primary school composition teaching
bao mei qiu
Study on assessment indicator system of university general education competence
fu ji lin ; zhao xiao dong ; liu hong yu ; wang yuan zuo
On ensuring and improving educational quality of postgraduates
zheng zhao zhao
jiao xue yan jiu gao yue
Discussion on labeling theory application in school education
xu dai zhen ; xiang dong chun
Comparation of four kinds of western inductive teaching methods
xu ying hua ; li ben dong
Research of mental health education in physical education
zhang peng ju