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Journal of Southern Yangtze University(Natural Science Edition)
2015 Issue 5
Parameter Optimization for Network Behavior Classification Based on Improved Artificial Bee Colony
YANG Yu;,MAO Li;,WANG Xiaofeng;,ZHOU Changxi;
Research on Singularity Elimination of the Stewart Parallel Manipulator with Redundant Actuation
LI Baokun;,GUO Yongcun;,HAN Yingge;,CAO Yi;
Cyanobacteria Cell Counting Based on the Estimation of Cell Area
HU Yangyang;,WANG Xin;
An Improved Location Fingerprint Algorithm Based on Bayesian
XU Xiaoxiao;,XIE Linbo;,PENG Li;
Fault Diagnosis for Rolling Bearing Based on the Improved Morphological Filter and EEMD Method
ZONG Yongtao;,SHEN Yanxia;,JI Zhicheng;
Current Control Strategy of Grid-Connected Inverters with LCL Filter
HE Chunhua;,HUI Jing;
Parallel Combat Simulation System of Worm
LU Songsong;,WANG Xiaofeng;,MAO Li;
Centroid-Based Virtual Force Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
SONG Xinhong;,FANG Wei;,XIONG Weili;
Dynamic Threshold Multi-Key Escrow Scheme among Weighted Escrow Agents
LI Lin;,CAO Yu;,LI Zhihua;
Performance Degradation Indicator Extraction Method of Rolling Bearings Based on the EEMD and PCA
XIAO Shungen;,MA Shanhong;,SONG Mengmeng;,KONG Qingguang;
Reduced Dimension Algorithm and Its Simulation for 2-D PPS Parameter Estimation
LIAO Jianqing;,ZHENG Naiqing;,HUANG Lijian;
Suppression Strategy of DC Component Based on Fuzzy Iteration PI
XU Peng;,WU Lei;
Research of Model Mapping Method from XML Document to Relational Database
SHI Tao;,SHEN Yanxia;
Gravitational Search Algorithm Based on Gaussian Mutation
SUI Yongxia;,SUN Heming;
Vector Control Strategy for Fault-Tolerant Three-Phase Four-Switch Inverters
XU Peng;,SHI Huoquan;,LIU Huichao;
Online Estimation of the Image Jacobian Matrix Based on the Kalman Filter
LIU Wei;,YU Zhenzhong;,HUI Jing;
Influence of Grid Inductance on Grid Inverter and Measurement
LIU Huichao;,SHI Huoquan;,XU Peng;
Vibration Service Ability Analysis on the Sky-Bridge of the Twin-Tower Connected Structure
SONG Qiulu;,ZHU Zhaoquan;,LI Hua;
Dynamic Response Analysis of One New Overhead Vertical Wharf Structure
SUN Xingyi;,ZHANG Shuhua;,ZHANG Wenjing;,LIU Chunyang;,CHEN Guangming;
Seawalls Section Stability Research of Reclamation in South No.3 Port of Gulei Area, Xiamen Harbor
XU Jiayin;,WANG Leqiang;,CHEN Dechun;
Analysis and Impact of the Different Steel Rooves Design Against the Wind Thickness
YAN Xiaojie;,ZHU Zhaoquan;
Multiple Factors Constraint Type Weber Facility Location Algorithm
LI Lei;,CHEN Wenbin;
Improved Simple Subsampling Based on the Nearest Neighbor Method
CHEN Lijun;,ZHU Yongzhong;,WANG Fanglei;
Study on the Property of the Yosida Approximation for Two Parameters Semigroups
CANG Dingbang;,CHEN Cang;,YAN Shoufeng;
Inequalities For Unitarily Invariant Norms
LIU Xin;,YANG Xiaoying;,WANG Yaqiang;