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Journal of Jinggangshan Normal College(Philosophy and Social Science)
2004 Issue 1
On the service function of libraries
chi zuo
A study of limitation of adduce proof system of administration litigation
ye guo ping ; yuan jin hong
On the validity of Non- prosecution
liu gen
Perfecting the antidumping law after China's entry into WTO
liu xiao gan ; wu gao ping ; gao deng yun
A study of appraising to state capital performance
xiao xiao zuo
Constructing circular economies in China
lian xu ning ; li gui lian
On aLL - round construction of a well - off Society in China
zeng wen zuo
On theoretical generalization of perceptual practice
zhu bao xin
On the political idea of cheng zhai yi zhuan
liu ren yan
Language/iiterature and power
shi wu chao ; xiao wen
The verbs' generalized meaning and its hierarchy
guo shu lun
On"bei(被) + V" construction which not to act as predicate
li sheng mei ; hu hua lin
Contrastive analysis on the Concept of "Face"
xiao li yan
The "Reform literature" Trend in the New Age
peng li xian
Influence of Gongdiao on Beiqu
long jian guo