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Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
2011 Issue 1
New Trends in the Corpus-based Research on Translation Universals
HU Xian-yao;ZENG Jia
A Study of English Majors\' Processing of English Idioms
ZHOU Ying;ZHANG Shu-jing
Azuela\'s Vision of Literary Creation as Evidenced in Los de abajo
LIU Chang-shen
Abstracts of Major Papers
On the Principles of Transliterating Chinese Names
DING Li-fu;FANG Xiu-cai
An Empirical Study of Content-based College English Teaching
YUAN Ping-hua
On the Achievement of Medieval English Morality Plays
XIAO Ming-han
The Folk Spirit in the Contemporary Vietnamese Literature
YU Fu-zhao
Propp\'s Narrative Theory: Form and Historical Origin
Feminist Translation Theory in the Perspective of Philosophical Hermeneutics
CAI Xiao-dong;ZHU Jian-ping