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Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
2015 Issue 4
ImpIication of improved matching pursuit in de-noising for square wave
Improved LSA speech enhancement aIgorithm
WANG Jinming;,ZHOU Kun;,YIN Haiming;,XU Zhijun;
Strategy of deadI ine-oriented cIoud resource aI Iocation via cIoud broker
CHEN Weiwei;,LI Tao;,LI Zhigang;,LIU Zhao;
Method of protocoI state machine inference based on state merging
WANG Chen;,WU Lifa;,HONG Zheng;,LAI Haiguang;,ZHUANG Honglin;
Intrusion-toIerant Quorum system and survivabiIity anaIysis
DispIacement of airport concrete pavement joints and structuraI stress of seaIants
SU Erhao;,YUAN Jie;,HUANG Chongwei;
Prestress Ioss of concrete bridge with box girder based on strength reduction exposed to fire
ZHANGGang;,LIUTianlong;,WANGCuijuan;,CHENG Haikun;
Approach to determine objective air void of porous asphaIt mixture
ZHAOYao;,SUN Hongliang;,ZHUYujie;,ZHAOChen;
NumericaI simuIation of interaction of storm surge and typhoon wave on near shore harbor
WU Hailang;,CHEN Xi;,CHEN Xujun;,HUANGYaxin;
Characteristics of tide and residuaI current south of Dongsha isIand in South China Sea
HU Dong;,CHEN Xi;,ZHANG Shouye;,LI Yan;
Low-frequency variation of sea surface height of North Pacific and its factors
CHANG Jiangtao;,ZHU Weijun;,ZHANG Ren;,HONG Mei;,KUANG Xiaowei;
Protective engineering modeI components based on muIti-media information
YUAN Hui;,WANGFengshan;,RENRui;
ModeI based on hidden Markov modeI for predicting terrorism accident
FauIt diagnosis of hydrauI ic system based on time-frequency characteristics and PCA-KELM
CHAI Kai;,ZHANG Meijun;,HUANG Jie;,WANG Zhenye;
NumericaI caIcuIation of characteristics of TNT sphericaI charge bIast in uniform free fieId
SUN Yunhou;,SHI Cuncheng;,LIU Zheng;