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Journal of Environmental Sciences
2012 Issue 4
Impacts of continuously regenerating trap and particle oxidation catalyst on the NO2 and particulate matter emissions emitted from diesel engine
Zhihua Liu 1;Yunshan Ge 1;Jianwei Tan 1;Chao He 1;Asad Naeem Shah 1;2;Yan Ding 3;Linxiao Yu 1;Wei Zhao 1 1.National Lab of Auto Performance and Emission Test;School of Mechanical and Vehicular Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;Beijing 100081;China.2.Department of Mechanical Engineering;University of Engineering and Technology;Lahore 54000;Pakistan 3.Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Beijing 100012;China
Inhibition of ROS elevation and damage to mitochondrial function prevents lead-induced neurotoxic effects on structures and functions of AFD neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans
Qiuli Wu 1;2;Peidang Liu 1;2;Yinxia Li 1;2;Min Du 1;2;Xiaojuan Xing 1;2;Dayong Wang 1;2;1.Key Laboratory of Environmental Medicine Engineering in Ministry of Education;Medical School of Southeast University;Nanjing 210009;China. 2.Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology;Medical School of Southeast University;Nanjing 210009;China
Comparison of conventional and inverted A~2/O processes:Phosphorus release and uptake behaviors
Rong Qi 1;Tao Yu 1;Zheng Li 1;Dong Li 1;Takashi Mino 2;Tadashi Shoji 2;Kochi Fujie 3;Min Yang 1;1.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China.2.Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies;Graduate School of Frontier Sciences;The University of Tokyo;Kashiwa;Japan 3.Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences;Yokohama National University;Yokohama;Kanagawa 240-850;Japan
Preparation of Fex Ce1-x Oy solid solution and its application in Pd-only three-way catalysts
Jianqiang Wang 1;2;Meiqing Shen 1;3;Jun Wang 1;Mingshan Cui 1;Jidong Gao 2;Jie Ma 2;Shuangxi Liu 2 1.Key Laboratory for Green Chemical Technology of State Education Ministry;School of Chemical Engineering & Technology;Tianjin University;Tianjin 300072;China.2.China Automotive Technology & Research Center;Tianjin 300162;China 3.State Key Laboratory of Engines;Tianjin University;Tianjin 300072;China
Photodegradation of Norfloxacin in aqueous solution containing algae
Junwei Zhang;Dafang Fu ;Jilong Wu Department of Municipal Engineering;School of Civil Engineering;Southeast University;Nanjing 210096;China.
Synthesis,characterization and experimental investigation of Cu-BTC as CO2 adsorbent from flue gas
Jiangkun Xie;Naiqiang Yan ;Zan Qu;Shijian Yang School of Environmental Science and Engineering;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Shanghai 200240;China.
Effects of urea and(NH42 SO4 on nitrification and acidification of Ultisols from Southern China
Deli Tong 1;2;Renkou Xu 1;1.State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture;Institute of Soil Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Nanjing 210008;China. 2.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Measurement of air exchange rates in different indoor environments using continuous CO2 sensors
Yan You 1;2;Can Niu 1;Jian Zhou 1;Yating Liu 1;Zhipeng Bai 1;Jiefeng Zhang 1;Fei He 1;Nan Zhang 1 1.State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Urban Ambient Air Particulate Matter Pollution Prevention and Control;College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering;Nankai University;Tianjin 300071;China 2.Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China.
Sorption of chlorophenols onto fruit cuticles and potato periderm
Yungui Li 1;3;Yingqing Deng 1;Baoliang Chen 1;2;1.Department of Environmental Science;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310058;China.2.Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Organic Pollution Process and Control;Hangzhou 310058;China 3.Department of Environmental Engineering;Southwest University of Science and Technology;Mianyang 621010;China
Steady performance of a zero valent iron packed anaerobic reactor for azo dye wastewater treatment under variable influent quality
Yaobin Zhang ;Yiwen Liu;Yanwen Jing;Zhiqiang Zhao;Xie Quan Key Laboratory of Industrial Ecology and Environmental Engineering;School of Environmental Science and Technology;Dalian University of Technology;Dalian 116024;China.
Preparation and application of amino functionalized mesoporous nanofiber membrane via electrospinning for adsorption of Cr3+ from aqueous solution
Ahmed A.Taha;Junlian Qiao;Fengting Li;Bingru Zhang College of Environmental Science and Engineering;UNEP Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development;State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse;Tongji University;Shanghai;200092;China.
Removal of arsenate and arsenite from aqueous solution by waste cast iron
Nag-Choul Choi 1;Song-Bae Kim 1;Soon-Oh Kim 2;Jae-Won Lee 3;Jun-Boum Park 4;1.Department of Rural Systems Engineering;Seoul National University;Seoul 151-921;Republic of Korea.2.Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Research Institute of Natural Science;Gyeongsang National University;Jinju 660-701;Republic of Korea 3.JIU Corporation;154-3 Samsung-dong;Gangnam-gu;Seoul 135-879;Republic of Korea 4.Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering;Seoul National University;Seoul 151-742;Republic of Korea
A 60-year sedimentary record of natural and anthropogenic impacts on Lake Chenghai,China
Fengyu Zan 1;2;3;Shouliang Huo 2;Beidou Xi 2;Jingtian Zhang 2;Haiqing Liao 2;Yue Wang 2;Kevin M.Yeager 4 1.School of Environment;Beijing Normal University;Beijing 100875;China.2.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science;Beijing 100012;China 3.College of Environmental Science and Engineering;Anhui Normal University;Wuhu 241000;China 4.Department of Marine Science;University of Southern Mississippi;Stennis Space Center;MS 39529;USA
Influence of different weather events on concentrations of particulate matter with different sizes in Lanzhou,China
Xinyuan Feng 1;Shigong Wang 2 1.College of Atmospheric Sciences;Chengdu University of Information Technology;Plateau Atmosphere and Environment Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province;Chengdu 610225;China.2.College of Atmospheric Sciences;Lanzhou University;Key Laboratory of the Education Ministry of Semi-Arid Climate Change;Lanzhou 730000;China
Health risk assessment of heavy metals in soils and vegetables from wastewater irrigated area,Beijing-Tianjin city cluster,China
Yanchun Wang 1;2;Min Qiao 1;Yunxia Liu 1;3;Yongguan Zhu 1;3;1.State Key Laboratory of Reginal and Urban Ecology;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China.2.Beijing Institute of Landscape Architecture;Beijing 100102;China3.Key Laboratory of Urban Environment;Health Institute of Urban Environment;Chinese Academy of Science;Xiamen 361021;China
Ammonium-dependent regulation of aerobic methane-consuming bacteria in landfill cover soil by leachate irrigation
Fan L;Pinjing He ;Min Guo;Na Yang;Liming Shao State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resources Reuse;College of Environmental Science and Engineering;Tongji University;Shanghai 200092;China.
Dissolved organic sulfur in streams draining forested catchments in southern China
Zhanyi Wang 1;2;Xiaoshan Zhang 1;Zhangwei Wang 1;Yi Zhang 1;Bingwen Li 1;Rolf Vogt 3 1.Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China.2.College of Ecology and Environmental Science;Inner Mongolia Agricultural University;Hohhot 010018;China 3.Department of Chemistry;University of Oslo;P.O.BOX 1033;Blindern;N-0315 Oslo;Norway
Dry deposition velocity of total suspended particles and meteorological influence in four locations in Guangzhou,China
Leifu Chen;Shaolin Peng ;Jingang Liu;Qianqian Hou State Key Laboratory of Biocontrol;School of Life Sciences;Sun Yat-sen University;Guangzhou 510006;China.
Distribution of heavy metals in sediments of the Pearl River Estuary,Southern China:Implications for sources and historical changes
Feng Ye 1;2;Xiaoping Huang 1;Dawen Zhang 1;Lei Tian 1;2;Yanyi Zeng 1;2 1.State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanology;South China Sea Institute of Oceanology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Guangzhou 510301;China.2.Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100039;China
PCDD/Fs in soil around a hospital waste incinerator:comparison after three years of operation
Xiaodong Li ;Mi Yan;Jie Yang;Tong Chen;Shengyong Lu;Jianhua Yan State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310027;China.
Aerosol effects on ozone concentrations in Beijing:A model sensitivity study
Jun Xu 1;Yuanhang Zhang 2;Shaoqing Zheng 3;Youjiang He 1 1.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Beijing 100012;China.2.College of Environmental Sciences;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China 3.Appraisal Center for Environment & Engineering;State Environmental Protection Administration;Beijing 100012;China
Removal of phosphate ions from aqueous solution using Tunisian clays minerals and synthetic zeolite
Noureddine Hamdi ;Ezzeddine Srasra National Center of Research in Materials Sciences;Borj Cedria Technopole 95-2050;Tunisia.
Photocatalytic degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid with β-Ga2O3 in anoxic aqueous solution
Baoxiu Zhao 1;2;Mou Lv 1;Li Zhou 1 1.School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering;Qingdao Technological University;Qingdao 266033;China. 2.State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control;Department of Environmental Science and Engineering;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China
Dechlorination of chlorophenols by zero valent iron impregnated silica
Praveena Juliya Dorathi;Palanivelu Kandasamy Centre for Environmental Studies;Anna University;Chennai 600025;India.
Synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles in different thermal conditions and modeling its photocatalytic activity with artificial neural network
Fatemeh Ghanbary 1;Nasser Modirshahla 2;Morteza Khosravi 1;Mohammad Ali Behnajady 2 1.Department of Applied Chemistry;Faculty of Chemistry;North Tehran Branch;Islamic Azad University;Tehran;1913674711;Islamic Republic of Iran.2.Research Laboratory;Department of Applied Chemistry;Tabriz Branch;Islamic Azad University;Tabriz;1655;Islamic Republic of Iran
Identification of naphthalene metabolism by white rot fungus Armillaria sp.F022
Tony Hadibarata 1;Abdull Rahim Mohd Yusoff 1;Azmi Aris 1;Risky Ayu Kristanti 2 1.Institute of Environmental and Water Resources Management;Universiti Teknologi Malaysia;81310 Skudai;Johor;Malaysia 2.Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering.Yamanashi University;4-4-37 Takeda;Kofu;Yamanashi;400-8510 Japan
Effect of artificial aeration on the performance of vertical-flow constructed wetland treating heavily polluted river water
Huiyu Dong 1;Zhimin Qiang 1;Tinggang Li 1;Hui Jin 2;Weidong Chen 2 1.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China.2.Environmental Protection Bureau of Lin’an City;Zhejiang Province 311300;China