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Journal of Environmental Sciences
2012 Issue 12
Effects of building aspect ratio,diurnal heating scenario,and wind speed on reactive pollutant dispersion in urban street canyons
Nelson Y.O.Tong;Dennis Y.C.Leung Department of Mechanical Engineering;The University of Hong Kong;Hong Kong;China
Distribution of heavy metals in the water column,suspended particulate matters and the sediment under hydrodynamic conditions using an annular flume
Jianzhi Huang;Xiaopeng Ge;Dongsheng Wang State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China
Antioxidant and modulatory role of Chlorophytum borivilianum against arsenic induced testicular impairment
Garima Sharma;Madhu Kumar Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory;Department of Zoology;Centre for Advanced studies;University of Rajasthan;Jaipur 302055;India
Soil warming effect on net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide during the transition from winter carbon source to spring carbon sink in a temperate urban lawn
Xiaoping Zhou 1;2;Xiaoke Wang 1;Lei Tong 1;Hongxing Zhang 1;Fei Lu 1;Feixiang Zheng 1;Peiqiang Hou 1;Wenzhi Song 1;Zhiyun Ouyang 1 1.Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China 2.Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100039;China
Optimization of H2O2 dosage in microwave-H2O2 process for sludge pretreatment with uniform design method
Qingcong Xiao 1;2;3;Hong Yan 1;Yuansong Wei 1;Yawei Wang 1;Fangang Zeng 2;Xiang Zheng 2 1.Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China 2.School of Environment and Natural Resources;Renmin University of China;Beijing 100872;China 3.CSD IDEA Institute of Environmental Innovation Co.Ltd.;Beijing 100192;China
Enantioseletive bioaccumulation of tebuconazole in earthworm Eisenia fetida
Dingyi Yu;Jianzhong Li;Yanfeng Zhang;Huili Wang;Baoyuan Guo;Lin Zheng Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China
Comparative proteomic study and functional analysis of translationally controlled tumor protein in rice roots under Hg2+ stress
Feijuan Wang 2;Yongshen Shang 1;Ling Yang 3;Cheng Zhu 1;2 1.College of Life Sciences;Zhejiang University;Hangzhou 310058;China 2.College of Life Sciences;China Jiliang University;Hangzhou 310018;China 3.College of Chemistry and Life Sciences;Zhejiang Normal University;Jinhua 321004;China
Responses of protists with different feeding habits to the changes of activated sludge conditions:A study based on biomass data
Bo Hu;Rong Qi;Wei An;Min Yang State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry;Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China
Synthesis of surface sulfated BiWO with enhanced photocatalytic performance
Yongming Ju 1;Jianming Hong 2;Xiuyu Zhang 1;Zhencheng Xu 1;Dongyang Wei 1;Yanhong Sang 1;Xiaohang Fang 1;Jiande Fang 1;Zhenxing Wang 1 1.South China Institute of Environmental Science;Ministry of Environmental Protection;Guangzhou 510655;China 2.Center of Material Analysis;Nanjing University;Nanjing 210093;China
Preparation,characterization and application of CuCrO2/ZnO photocatalysts for the reduction of Cr(VI)
Wahiba Ketir 1;2;Gharib Rekhila 2;Mohamed Trari 2;Abdelatif Amrane 3 1.Technical and Scientific Research Centre of Physico-Chemical Analysis;BP 248;RP 16004;Algiers;Algeria 2.Laboratory of Storage and Valorisation of Renewable Energies;Faculty of Chemistry;BP 32;16111 Algiers;Algeria 3.Equipe Chimie et Inge’nierie des Proce’de’-UMR CNRS 6226;E.N.S.C.R.-Avenue de Ge’ne’ral Leclerc-CS 50837-35708 Rennes Cedex 7;France
Metals in sediment/pore water in Chaohu Lake:Distribution,trends and flux
Shengfang Wen;Baoqing Shan;Hong Zhang Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100085;China
Bacterial community succession during the enrichment of chemolithoautotrophic arsenite oxidizing bacteria at high arsenic concentrations
Nguyen Ai Le 1;Akiko Sato 1;Daisuke Inoue 1;2;Kazunari Sei 1;2;Satoshi Soda 1;Michihiko Ike 1 1.Division of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering;Osaka University;2-1 Yamadaoka;Suita;Osaka 565-0871;Japan 2.Department of Health Science;Kitasato University;1-15-1 Kitasato;Sagamihara-Minami;Kanagawa 252-0373;Japan
Dynamics of arsenic in salt marsh sediments from Dongtan wetland of the Yangtze River estuary,China
Yongjie Wang 1;Limin Zhou 1;Xiangmin Zheng 1;Peng Qian 1;2;Yonghong Wu 1;3 1.Department of Geography;College of Resources and Environmental Sciences;East China Normal University;Shanghai 200062;China 2.School of Geography;Nantong University;Nantong 226019;China 3.Department of Geography;Minjiang University;Fuzhou 350108;China
Spectroscopic studies of dye-surfactant interactions with the co-existence of heavy metal ions for foam fractionation
Dongmei Zhang 1;2;Guangming Zeng 1;2;Jinhui Huang 1;2;Wenkai Bi 1;2;Gengxin Xie 1;2 1.College of Environmental Science and Engineering;Hunan University;Changsha 410082;China.E-mail:zdm326@126.com 2.Key Laboratory of Environmental Biology and Pollution Control;Hunan University;Ministry of Education;Changsha 410082;China
Selective adsorption of silver ions from aqueous solution using polystyrene-supported trimercaptotriazine resin
Shiming Wang 1;2;Hongling Li 1;Xiaoya Chen 1;2;Min Yang 1;Yanxing Qi 1 1.National Engineering Research Center for Fine Petrochemical Intermediates;Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Lanzhou 730000;China 2.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100049;China
Influence and mechanism of N-(3-oxooxtanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone(C8-oxo-HSL) on biofilm behaviors at early stage
Siqing Xia 1;Lijie Zhou 1;Zhiqiang Zhang 1;Jixiang Li 2 1.State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse;Tongji University;Shanghai 200092;China 2.Sustainable Technology Research Center;Shanghai Advanced Research Institute;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 201210;China
Mercury oxidation and adsorption characteristics of potassium permanganate modified lignite semi-coke
Huawei Zhang;Jitao Chen;Peng Liang;Li Wang College of Chemical and Environmental Engineering;Shandong University of Science and Technology;Qingdao 266590;China
A VUV photoionization mass spectrometric study on the OH-initiated photooxidation of isoprene with synchrotron radiation
Gang Pan 1;2;Changjin Hu 1;2;Mingqiang Huang 1;3;Zhenya Wang 2;Yue Cheng 1;2;Zhi Liu 1;2;Xuejun Gu 1;2;Weixiong Zhao 1;2;Weijun Zhang 1;2;Jun Chen 4;Fuyi Liu 4;Xiaobin Shan 4;Liusi Sheng 4 1.Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Composition and Optical Radiation;Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Hefei 230031;China 2.Laboratory of Environmental Spectroscopy;Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Hefei 230031;China 3.Department of Environmental Science and Engineering;Xiamen University;Tan Kah Kee College;Zhangzhou 363105;China 4.National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory;School of Nuclear Science and Technology;University of Science and Technology of China;Hefei 230029;China
Determination of 3,4-dichlorinated biphenyl in soil samples by real-time immuno-PCR assay
Hanyu Chen 1;2;Huisheng Zhuang 1 1.School of Environmental Science and Engineering;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Shanghai 200240;China 2.Department of Environment and Municipal Engineering;Henan University of Urban Construction;Henan 467043;China
Photocatalytic degradation of phenanthrene on soil surfaces in the presence of nanometer anatase TiO2 under UV-light
Jiali Gu 1;Dianbo Dong 2;Lingxue Kong 3;Yong Zheng 4;Xiaojun Li 5 1.College of Chemistry;Chemical Engineering and Food Safety;Bohai University;Jinzhou 121013;China 2.Liaoning Academy of Environmental Sciences;Shenyang 110031;China 3.Institute for Frontier Materials;Deakin University;Geelong Vic 3217;Australia 4.Liaoning University;Shenyang 110136;China 5.Key Laboratory of Pollution Ecology and Environmental Engineering;Institute of Applied Ecology;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenyang 110016;China
Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by Pseudomonas sp.JM2 isolated from active sewage sludge of chemical plant
Jing Ma;Li Xu;Lingyun Jia School of Life Science and Biotechnology;Dalian University of Technology;Liaoning 116023;China