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Control Engineering of China
2015 Issue 6
Research on Control Technology of Ultrasonic Cleaning Power Based on Transducer Model
ZHANG Xiao-hua;WANG Zhong-ye;ZHANG Ming;WANG Ming;Harbin Institute of Technology;
Research on Robust Repetitive Control Method for Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robot
LI Xing;State Key Laboratory of Synthetically Automation for Process Industries;Northeast University;
Research on Dual-arm Coordinated Path Planning for Space Manipulator
ZHANG Hai-tao;TANG Li-cai;ZHANG Jing-peng;JING Hai-long;Shandong Aerospace Electro-technology Institute;Guangdong Hangyu Satellite Technology Co.;Ltd.;
Improvement of Movement Precision of PZT Based on Grey Prediction-Fuzzy Control
HE Wei-ming;JIANG Chao-wei;SONG Xiao-qi;WANG Fei-fei;ZHU Jian-min;GAN Yi;College of Mechanical Engineering;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;
Stabilization Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots Based on Visual Servoing
WANG Gang;WANG Chao-li;ZHAO Xiao-meng;JI Yun-feng;Business School;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;Department of Control Science and Engineering;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;
Research on Energy-Saving Control of the Cooling Water System in Central Air Conditioning System by Using Double Machine Frequency Conversion
PENG Yan-ping;REN Qing-chang;YAN Xiu-ying;Xi’an University of Architecture &Technology;College of Information and Control Engineering;
Joint Parameters Estimation of Frequency and Time Delay for Broadband Active Target Signal
ZHOU Lu-ping;WANG Fu-cai;Department of Information and Electrical Engineering;Ludong University;
Based on the Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm Music Fountain Intelligent Identification
ZHAO Wei;ZHOU Jian-hui;Beijing City University;
Adaptive Control for Uncertain Tele-operation System in Unknown Environment
LIU Yong;ZHENG Peng;CHOU Wu-sheng;School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;
Pre-charging Control Strategies for Modular Multilevel Converter
JIANG Yan;HUANG Yu;HU Jing-wei;WANG Xiao;LUO Wan-yun;RAO Zhi-meng;Key Laboratory of Electric Propulsion and Servo Driving under Ministry of Education;Hunan University;
Design of Target Tracking System for Quad-rotor UAV
MA Liang;MU Chao-xu;YANG Wan-kou;HE Hai-peng;School of Automation;Southeast University;
Study of PID Speed Controller Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
WANG Wei-yi;ZHANG Ming-quan;YANG Fan;CHEN Ci-xiang;School of Mechatronics Engineering and Automation;Shanghai University;No.704 Research Institute;China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation;
Partially Decentralized Control for a Benchmarck Boiler Based on Generalized Predictive Control
FU Cai-fen;TAN Wen;School of Control & Computer Engineering;North China Electric Power University;
Electroslag Remelting Process Based on Disturbance-Rejection Dynamic Decoupling
SUN Chang-yue;School of Information and Electrical Engineering;Hunan University of Science and Technology;
Improved Tension Control of Multi-wire Saw for Solar Silicon Wafer
JIANG Jin;CHEN Lin;WANG Ting;Hunan Province Cooperative Innovation Center for Wind Power Equipment and Energy Conversion;Xiangtan University;Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing & Information Processing;Ministry of Education;The Department of Information Engineering;Hunan Radio and Television University;
Decentralized Control and Implementation of Power System Based on Inverse Overload Protection
LIU Hui;School of Mechatronics and information Engineering Business College Hubei University of Technology;
Applications of Beaconing Rate Control in VANETs
XIE Rui-yun;WANG Ming-fei;HAI Ben-zhai;Department of Computer & Technology;Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College;College of computer & Information Engineering;Henan Normal University;
Design of Non-Stop and Whole Vehicle Weighing System
YANG De;DENG Guo-qiang;CHANG Fu-shan;Department of Physical and Electronic Engineering;Yuncheng University;Shan Xi Guo Qiang Development of Science and Technology CO.;LTD.;
Iterative Learning Identification Based on LSSVR for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems
SI Li-yun;YU Qiang;LIN Hui;School of Electrical and Control Engineering;Chang’an University;Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Small & Special Electrical Machine and Drive Technology;Northwestern Polytechnical University;School of Automobile;Chang’an University;
Adaptive PID Control Based on the Inverse Model of the Object and Its Applications
WANG Zhi-jie;XUN Xin;LIU Wu-lin;Electric Power Research Institute of Hunan Electric Power Corporation;State Grid;
Feature Selection Approach of High Dimension Spectral Data Based-on Partial Least Squares Algorithm
TANG Jian;JIA Mei-ying;LIU Zhuo;QIAO Yong;ZHAO Li-jie;Beijing Graphic Institution;Research Center of Automation;Northeastern University;Liao Ning Jin Ye Paper CO.;LTD;College Of Information Engineering;Shenyang University of Chemical Technology;
Passivity-based Control for IPMSM Based on Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Observer
HOU Li-min;ZHAO Jin-peng;SUN Bin;ZANG Dong;CAI Ke;Faculty of Electrical & Control Engineering;Liaoning Technical University;Electric Power CO.;LTD.Chaoyang Power Supply Company In Liaoning Province;
A Resource Allocation Algorithm to Improve the Diversity of Forecasting Results
DENG Xiao-jun;MAN Jun-feng;WEN Zhi-qiang;WANG Yu;College of computer and communication;Hunan University of technology;
Segmentation Algorithm for Contra-harmonic and Color Image Edge By the Introduction of Tracking Filter
MA Zhen-zhong;Electronic and Information Engineering;Changsha Normal College;
Hadoop Cloud Platform Script Switching Algorithm for Multi Service Mine Data Monitoring
GU Cheng-xi;GU Cai-dong;Suzhou Vocational University;Department of Computer Engineering;
Sliding-mode Reliable Control for a Class of Uncertain Discrete-time Switched Systems with Multi-delay
NIE Hong;WANG Qiang;School of Sciences;Liaoning Shihua University;School of Information and Control Engineering;Liaoning Shihua University;
Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Discrete-time Switched Saturated Systems
ZHANG Xin-quan;ZHAO Zhi-Guang;LIU Qiang;School of Information and Control Engineering;Liaoning Shihua University;Iron and steel company in qian’an;Shougang co.;LTD;
Simulation of Stability Control Model under Disturbance of Large Scale Network Communication System
DING Xue-fang;High-tech Institute Xi’an University of Technology;
Fuzzy Image Restoration Algorithm Based on Wavelet Threshold Adaptive Correction
ZHANG Ting-man;Xi’an Innovation College;Yan’an University;
Research and Design of Signature Technology Based on QR Code
MIN Xiao-zhong;ZHU Lin-li;XI Hai-xu;ZHU Hong-jin;Information Center;Jiangsu University of Technology;Computer Engineering School;Jiangsu University of Technology;
A Study on Moodle Virtual Cluster Based on Cloud Computing
GUO Xin;College of Information Science and Technology;Sanda University;
Research on Uniform Clustering Routing Algorithm Based on K-means in Wireless Sensor Network
ZHANG Ya-qiong;School of Information Engineering;Yu Lin University;
Networked Robust H_∞ Filtering for Discrete Singular Jump Systems
LAI Yong-bo;LU Guo-ping;Department of Electrical and Engineering;Jiangsu College of Information Technology;
Study on Synchronization for a Hyper-chaotic Lorenz-Stenflo System
CHEN Yu-qiang;GUO Jian-lan;LIU Yi-jun;Computer Engineering Department;Dongguan Polytechnic;Computer College;Guangdong University of Technology;
High-speed Mobile Image Frame Error Correction Method
LI Na;WANG Wei-zhe;ZHAO Wei;Henan Vocational and Technical College Department of Information Engineering;Zhengzhou University Software Institute of Technology;
Distributed Predictive Control based on Associated Subsystems
DONG Ting-ting;LI Li-juan;XIONG Lu;XV Ou-guan;College of Electrical Engineering and Control Science;Nanjing University of Technology;College of Zhijiang;Zhejiang University of Technology;
Fault Diagnosis Based on CUS-MICA for Batch Processes
ZHANG Xiao-ling;DENG Xiao-gang;College of Shengli;China University of Petroleum;College of Information and Control Engineering;China University of Petroleum;
Fault Diagnosis Method of Electric Power Information and Communication System Based on RSBN
CHEN Shuo;ZHAO Yong-bin;LIU Ming;TAN Wen-jun;Information and Communication Branch of Liaoning Power Company Limited;China Power Finance Co.;Ltd;College of Information Science and Engineering;Northeastern;University;
Case-based Reasoning Adaptive Optimization Algorithm for Power Transformer Fault Diagnosis
ZHANG Wei;DENG Yu-rong;WU Qiu-li;LIANG Jun-bin;Electric Power Science Research Institute of Guangxi Electric Power Company;
Optimal Solution to Wastewater Treatment Process Control Strategy Based On Benchmark Model No.1
WANG Fan;WANG Xiao-yi;WEI Wei;XU Ji-ping;JIANG Yun-wei;WANG Ling-yu;Intelligent Detection and Optimal Control Lab;College of Computer and Information Engineering;Beijing Technology and Business University;
Construction and Application of Enterprise Archives Management System Based on Stochastic Petri Net
WANG Chong;YANG Fan;XU Jian-bing;China General Nuclear Power Design Co.;Ltd;
A Review on Applications of Level Crossing Theory in Inventory Control
WANG Ke-ming;MA Zu-jun;ZHOU Yv-feng;Dept. of Computer and Telecommunication Engineering;Emei Campus;Southwest Jiaotong University;Institute for Logistics and Emergency Management;School of Economics and Management;Southwest Jiaotong University;Key Laboratory of Service Science and Innovation of Sichuan Province;Southwest Jiaotong University;Chongqing Engineering Technology Research Center for Information Management in Development;Chongqing Technology and Business University;School of Business Planning;Chongqing Technology and Business University;
Fuzzy Decision Making Method for A Class of Journal Quality Level Evaluation
ZHANG Quan;LI Xin-xin;LUAN Ting-ting;YU Jia;ZHAO Yu-hang;School of Information Engineering;Shen Yang University of Technology;
The Application of Innovative Design in Electrical Products Modeling
FENG Bing;CHEN Si-jia;LU Jing-tong;School of Mechanical Engineering;Jiangsu institute of technology;
Thermal Imaging Analysis of the Prediction of Breakout in Continuous Casting
ZHAI Ying-ying;Ao Zhi-guang;Computing Center;Northeastern University;