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Fire Safety Science
2008 Issue 4
Method of passenger evacuation on metro platform by train
LI Bin-hua;ZHU Ji-ping;PENG Chen;LIU Li
Optical flame fire detection algorithm based on chaos time series analysis
CAI Zhi-yuan;ZHAO Chang-zheng;MA Shao-hua;YU Li-li
Full-scale tests of suppressing clothing store fire
HUANG Xin;GAO Ning-yu;ZHANG Jin;HUA Wen-ming;XUE Gang
Application of time series model in short-term prediction fire alarming
TONG Yan-shi;CHEN Peng;SHU Xue-ming;WU Zhen-bo
Potential fire behavior and distribution of effective width of shaded fuelbreak in xishan of beijing
WANG Ming-yu;ZHOU Rong-wu;ZHAO Feng-jun;AN Yu-tao;SHU Li-fu;TIAN Xiao-rui;LI Tao
Method for extraction of dynamic parameters of pedestrian traffic based on digital image processing
LIU Xuan;SONG Wei-guo;MA Jian;ZHANG Jun