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Journal of Huizhou University
2010 Issue 4
On the Regulation of the Right of Expression in China
qiao li min ; zeng xue long
The Education Function of Logistics Department in Universities
zheng liang cai ; zhang xiao jun
On Marxist Philosophy and the Historical Fate of China\'s Socialism
luo hui yuan ; liu ge de
On the Development of the Fishermen\'s Song in Huidong
yue xiao yun
The Protection of Cultural Relics in Urban Development
shen min
The Practical Puzzle in Nurturing Filial Piety and Countermeasures
song su qin ; wu ying ping ; ye ji hua
On Chief Editor\'s Idea in Academic Journal Development
wang guo li ; zhao jia li
On Modal Particles before To Omou
jiang xin tao
An Analysis of Media Discourse from a Functional Grammar Perspective
zhang pei zuo ; hu fei
Review on Study of Wanguo Gongfa and JingShiTongWenGuan
wan qi zhou
On Strengthening the Management of Fixed Assets in Universities
lou ling fei
Causes and Countermeasures on High Default Rate of NLS
deng ping yu ; yu ming