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Journal of Huizhou University
2003 Issue 6
Introduction and Cultivation of Michelia maudiae Dunn in Huizhou
liao jian liang
Overcome Psychological Barrer in Basketball Match
wang li min
The Effect of Besoar Acid in the Training of Swimmer
gu lei ; lu wei ; yang li ping ; duan bao min
A Comparison Between p73 Gene With p53 Tumor Suppressor Gene
wu xiao ming
Influence of Harmonics of Parallel Capacitor and Its Solution
xu zuo ; xu de ming
Toll Gate management System Based on C/S Structure
chen jun ; chen zhi gang ; cai zhao quan ; lv yong xiang
The Design and Realization of Simulated Unix File System
wu zhi pan ; du hua ying
A Study of a Sensitive Aqueous Gel
yin yi qing
The k-Generalized Sub-orthogonal Matrix
zhang jun min ; wu jie yun
The Connectivity of<EC(G)>IN 3, 4-Connected Graph
zhang xiu zhen
The Generalied Brocard-Ramanujan Equation
le mao hua
Reformation in the Teaching of Fungus Growing Technique
wei li wen
Discussion on Teaching Method of Mechanics
feng shuo
Analyzing and Comparing Tools of Writing Courseware
liu yu fang
New concept, course, subject and thought
zuo jing
Discuss the Art of Disposing Garden Rockery Fountain
jiang hong
Views on Foundation Treatment
li jian dong ; yang yun hai
Development of Highrise and Its Conceptual Design
zhao jie
The Trend of Network for College Journals
wang gui zhen
The understanding of CN-MARC
lan fen fen
Problem of Community Sports and its Solution
ye xue qiu