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Acta Oceanologica Sinica
2011 Issue 5
Sources, burial fluxes of Carbon in sediments of the western Taiwan Strait
YE Xiang;CHEN Jian;WANG Ai-jun;WANG Wei-guo;HUANG Cai-bin;LI Dong-yi
Sediment problems of harbor on silt-sandy beach
CAO Zu-de;KONG Ling-shuang
Ecological environment characteristics and seasonal variations at 36°N transect in the western Southern Huanghai Sea
WEI Qin-sheng;GE Ren-feng;LI Rui-xiang;ZANG Jia-ye
Decadal variability in the Pacific as simulated by CCSM3
CHEN Xing-Rong;WANG Zhang-gui;CHAO Ji-ping;CAI Yi
A new model for calculating sound speed profile structure
ZHANG Xu;ZHANG Yong-gang;ZHANG Jian-xue;DONG Nan
Analysis of the characteristics of whales mitochondrial genomes and exploration of molecular markers
TIAN Mei;SHEN Xin;MENG Xue-ping;CHENG Han-liang
The influence of monsoon on seasonal changes of diatom fluxes in the northern and central South China Sea
RAN Li-hua;ZHENG Yu-long;CHEN Jian-fang;CHEN Rong-hua;ZHENG Lian-fu;WIESNER Martin-G
A grain size trend modal based on the concept of “dynamic populations”
LIU Tao;SHI Xue-fa;LIU Ying
Relationship between Oplegnathus fasciatus and O.punctatus revealed by mtDNA sequence characteristics
XIAO Zhi-zhong;XIAO Yong-shuang;MA Dao-yuan;XU Shi-hong;LIU Qing-hua;LI jun
Feature extraction and classification of seabed sonar Images Based on Contourlet transform
LI Qing-wu;SHI Dan;HUO Guan-ying
Advances in biogeochemical process in benthic boundary layer of estuarine and coastal area
YU Zhi-gang;YAO Peng;ZHEN Yu;YAO Qing-zhen;MI Tie-zhu;CHEN Hong-tao
Numerical study on storm surge forecasting considering wave-induced radiation stress
LIU Qiu-xing;YU Fujiang;WANG Pei-tao;DONG Jian-xi
Heterologous expression of a deep-sea thermostable amylopullulanase and enzymatic activity analysis of the fusion protein
JIAO Yu-liang;WANG Shu-jun;LU Ming-sheng;FANG Yao-wei;LIU Shu
Evaluation of land use suitability based on sedimentary conditions at the area of eastern Guangdong coastal zone
SUN Xiao-yu;SU Fen-zhen;ZHOU Cheng-hu;LV Ting-ting;ZHANG Tian-yu