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Acta Chimica Sinica
2013 Issue 5
Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Based Biosensor for Histone Acetylation Detection
Long;Haoxu a Zhen;Zhen a;b Tang;Lijuan a Jiang;Jianhui;a
Progress in Preparation and Properties of the Bowl-like Particles and Arrays
Guo;Yangguang Yang;Mu Wu;Qiang
Synthesis and Self-assembly Behavior of a Thermo-/photo-dual Responsive Triblock Copolymer
Pan;Gaoxiang Feng;Ze Wei;Jia Yu;Yanlei
Recent Advances in Catalytic Asymmetric Friedel-Crafts Reactions with Prochiral Trifluoromethylated Compounds
He;Zhanrong a Huang;Yiyong;b Verpoort;Francis b;c
Theoretical Studies on the Single Water Molecule Effects on the Reaction of HOBr with OH·
Gao;Chenggui a Long;Zhengwen;a Tan;Xingfeng b Long;Bo;b Long;Chaoyun a Qin;Shuijie a Zhang;Weijun c
Study on 1-Octene Hydroformylation Promoted by Cetyltrihydroxyethyl Ammonium Bromide in Aqueous/Organic Biphasic Solution
Su;Ke Jiang;Hongbin Zhu;Deming Fu;Haiyan Zheng;Xueli Yuan;Maolin Li;Ruixiang Chen;Hua
Photophysical Behavior and the Binding to Human Serum Albumin of a Novel Triazole Compound
He;Wenying a Si;Hongzong b Luan;Feng c Wu;Luyong a Zhou;Jilong a He;Mingxia a Chen;Guangying;a
Preparation and Electrochemical Performance of Carbon Nanoballs from Petroleum Asphalt
Pan;Hailing a;b Li;Li b Liu;Jianghua c Jia;Dianzeng;a
Interaction between Fluorescent Nanodiamond and Human Transferrin and Intracellular Imaging
Wang;Dongxin a;b Li;Yingqi;a;c Yang;Binsheng;a
Synthesis of a Novel Triphenylamine Derivative and Exploration of Self-powered Electrochromic Device
Chen;Mei a Yang;Shuwei b Zheng;Jianming b Xu;Chunye;a;b
Reaction Mechanism of Hydrogen Generation from Hydrolysis of BH4-:Quantum Chemistry Computing
Zhang;Ying Li;Mingtao Yang;Bolun
Mechanism Study of C4H(2Σ+)+H2 Reaction by Direct Ab Initio Methods
Huo;Ruiping a Zhang;Xiang b Huang;Xuri a Li;Jilai;a Sun;Chiachung a
Influence of Electrodeposition Post-Treatment on Microcosmic Performances in Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
Kou;Dongxing a Liu;Weiqing a;b Hu;Linhua a Chen;Shuanghong a Huang;Yang a Dai;Songyuan;a
A Theoretical Study of the Reaction of Fe+ with CH3X(X=Cl,Br,I)
Sun;Xiaoli Li;Jilai Huang;Xuri Sun;Chiachung
Application of Anisole,2-Bromoanisole and 3-Bromoanisole as Overcharge Protection Additives in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Zhang;Zhian a;b Peng;Bo a Lu;Hai a;b Ren;Chunyan a Jia;Ming;a;b Lai;Yanqing a;b
Isolation and Structural Characterization of the Polysaccharides of Cortex Mori radices
Zhang;Xiaoman Liao;Wenfeng Cong;Qifei Dong;Qun Ding;Kan
Synthesis of Dimethyl Ether from Methanol over Heteropoly Acid/Nanocrystalline HZSM-5 Complex Solid Acidic Catalyst
Jiang;Chunjie a Sun;Shengnan a Wang;Xuyang a Wang;Xiangsheng b Guo;Hongchen b Guo;Xinwen b Chen;Lidong;a
Determination of Surface Complexation Constant of Methylene Blue,NH4+,Na+ and K+ with SiO2 Surface
Qi;Changlin Ge;Donglai Zhu;Xinxin Sun;Zhongxi
Photoelectrocatalytic Properties and Reaction Mechanism of (Ni-Mo)/TiO2 Film Electrode for Degradation of Rhodamine B at Negative Bias
Li;Aichang;a Li;Jianfei b Liu;Yalu a Zhang;Jianping a Zhao;Liping a Lu;Yanhong a