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Acta Chimica Sinica
2013 Issue 3
Selective Enrichment of Glycopeptides Using Aluminum Oxide
Zhao;Xu a Jiang;Wuhui c Yu;Long b Zou;Lijuan;a Li;Xiuling;b Liang;Xinmiao b
Supersonic Anodization Preparation of Thin Titanium Oxide Nanotube Arrays Films
Xiong;Bitao;a Zhu;Zhiyan;b Wang;Changrong a Chen;Baoxin a Luo;Junyan a
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations on the Ferroelectricity of Graphene Oxides
Kong;Xiangkai a Chen;Qianwang;a;b
Application of Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensors in the Early Diagnosis of Cancer
Wu;Xingyi a;c Zhang;Lei b Lü;Dan a Liu;Yanhua a Chen;Yanan a Su;Weijun a Luo;Na a Xiang;Rong;a
Synthesis and Catalytic Activity of Silicon Nanowires Decorated with Noble Metal Nanoparticles
Zhang;Xiaodan a;b Tian;Hua a He;Junhui;a Cao;Yang a
Interrupted Fisher Indole Synthesis and Its Applications to Alkaloid Synthesis
Li;Sena;b Han;Jing;a Li;Ang;b
Studies on Preparation of Cd2+ Ion Surface-Imprinted Material with High Ion Recognition Ability and Its Ion Recognition Mechanism
Fang;Xiaolin a Gao;Baojiao;a Huang;Xiaowei b Zhang;Yongqi b Gu;Laiyuan a
Segregation Phenomenon and Its Control in the Catalytic Growth of Graphene
Zhang;Chaohua a Fu;Lei b Zhang;Yanfeng a Liu;Zhongfan;a
Preparation and Characterization of Magnetic SiO2/PSt Hollow Composite Microspheres via Miniemulsion Polymerization
Yang;Beibei Yang;Jianjun Zhang;Jianan Wu;Mingyuan Wu;Qingyun
A Study on Properties of PEG Bent Double Chain Stranded Polypseudorotaxanes with γ-Cyclodextrins
Gao;Peng Wang;Peijing Geng;Xue Ye;Lin Zhang;Aiying Feng;Zengguo
Study of Label-free Bi-analyte Detection Aptamer Biosensor
Yang;Shaoming Zha;Wenling Li;Hong Sun;Qing Zheng;Longzhen
Recent Progress in pH-Sensitive Gene Carriers
Shen;Yin a Hu;Guixiang b Zhang;Huaxing b Qi;Lili b Luo;Chengcai;b
Novel PVA/SiO2 Alkaline Micro-porous Polymer Electrolytes for Polymer Ni—MH Batteries
Lu;Xia Wu;Renxiang Li;Bobo Zhu;Yunfeng Li;Liquan
CdSeTe NSs/TiO2 NTs Photoelectric Catalytic Reduction of CO2
Jing;Hua Wang;Huying Xu;Jinfeng Sui;Xiaona Hu;Haitao Li;Peiqiang Yin;Hongzong
First Principles Study on the Li Storage Performance of MoO2
Ji;Xiao Liu;Yawen Yu;Xiaowei Yang;Kai Wu;Jiangbin Miao;Ling Jiang;Jianjun
Preparation and Properties of Magnetic Fluorescent Nanomaterials
Chen;Shun a Zhang;Junjun a Tang;Qi a Wei;Zhanyong b Xiong;Chuanxi a Dong;Lijie;a
Core/shell-Structured ZSM-5@Mesoporous Silica Composites for Shape-Selective Alkylation of Toluene with Methanol
Ji;Yongjun Zhang;Bin Zhang;Kun Xu;Le Peng;Honggeng Wu;Peng
Preparation of New Amphiphilic Liquid-Crystal Diblock Copolymers Bearing Side-on Cholesteryl Mesogen and Their Self-aggregation
Hu;Fangzhen a;b Chen;Shengdian b Li;Hui b Sun;Jingjing b Sheng;Ruilong b Luo;Ting b Cao;Amin;b
Self-assembly Behavior of Interlocked Helical Supramolecule of Cyclodextrin Modified by 2-Furanmethanethiol
Han;Cong Xu;Zhe Diao;Chunhua Chen;Xin Liu;Jing Guo;Minjie Fan;Zhi
Prospects of UDMH Organic Gel Droplet Evaporation and Combustion Model
He;Bo Nie;Wansheng Zhuang;Fengchen
Split Aptamer-Based Liquid Crystal Biosensor for ATP Assay
Wu;Chao Yang;Shengyuan Wu;Zhaoyang Shen;Guoli Yu;Ruqin