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Acta Chimica Sinica
2012 Issue 5
Preparation and Characterization of Temperature-responsive Affinity Chromatographic Stationary Phase Modified with Heparin
Liang;Xiao Liu;Zongjian Dai;Rongji Wang;Wei Geng;Fangfang Liang;Yanli Meng;Weiwei Deng;Yulin
Synthesis and Spectra Analyses of Eu(Ⅲ) Binary Complexes with Polycarboxylic Acid
Zhang;Jinli Zhao;Liping Luo;Xuan Du;Kai
Design and Synthesis of α-Cyclodextrin Modified Coumarin
Jiang;Jinqiang;a Chen;Xina Yin;Minga Wang;Zhoupingb Liu;Xiaoyaa Chen;Mingqinga
Preparation and Characteristic Research of Immobilized Acetylcholinesterase
Chen;Junhui;a Shi;Qiana Chen;Chena;c Li;Xina Cao;Weia Zheng;Lia Wang;Xiaorua;b
Preparation of the Polymethacrylic and Polyacrylamide Inverse Opal Photonic Crystals
Fu;Xiaoqin Guo;Ming Wu;Jia Zhan;Shengxin
Molecular Dynamics of an Extremely Thermophilic Ribose Binding Protein
Feng;Xianli Zhao;Xi Yu;Hui Wang;Yibo Sun;Tiedong Huang;Xuri
Study on Fingerprint of Crude and Processed Epimedium by UPLC-PDA-MS
Zhu;Fenxiaa Zhao;Yonggangb Jia;Xiaobin;a Wei;Yingjiea Zhang;Zhenhaia Wulazihan;Gulinaera
Preparation of the Ordered Mesoporous Carbon/Fe3O4 and Its Application for the Direct Electrochemistry of Hemoglobin
Zheng;Jing;a;b Zhao;Jiachanga Gong;Chena Liu;Pinga Chen;Yua Huang;Huana He;Pingangb Fang;Yuzhib
Identification of the Volatile Components in Tobacco by Gas Chromatograph Coupled with Ion Trap Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Wu;Lijuna Duan;Jiaa Li;Qianqiana Cao;Jinlib Liu;Weia Min;Shungeng;a
Investigations on the Kinetics for the Reaction Class of Hydrogen Abstractions from Substituted Cyclohexane by Hydrogen Atom
Wang;Suchuan P a P Li;Jun P a P Zhu;Quan P;a P Li;Zerong P b P Li;Xiangyuan P a P
Mechanochemical Degradation of OCDD/OCDF in Fly Ash from Medical Waste Incinerators
Mao;Qiongjinga Peng;Zheng;b Lu;Shengyong;a Li;Xiaodonga Yan;Jianhuaa
Optoelectronic Properties of 9,9-Bis-(3-(9-phenyl-carbazoyl))-2,7-dipyrenylfluorene
Han;Lizhia Wang;Zhuoa Hua;Yingjiea Ren;Aiminb Liu;Yanling;a Liu;Pengjun;a
Template Synthesis and Adsorption of Hollow ZrO2 Microspheres
Gao;Lishuanga Dou;Linglinga Yang;Xiaohuib;c Song;Xiuqin;a
Monolayer Study on the Interaction between Ursolic Acid and DPPC
Wang;Fuyu Sun;Runguang Chen;Yingying Wang;Xiaomei Chai;Zheng
Preparation of TiO2 Photocatalyst Dual-modified by Transition Metal Doping and Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Grafting
Ma;Lei Lu;Jindong He;Hongbo Li;Chunzhong Chen;Aiping
Synthesis and in vitro Antitumor Activities of 6,7-Dimethoxy-4-piperazinquinazoline Thiosemicarbazone Derivatives
Liu;Haibin Xu;Huijuan Lü;Ping Pan;Ningning Li;Shuangqi