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Acta Chimica Sinica
2012 Issue 12
Total Synthesis of 5-(3-Indolyl)oxazole Natural Product via Gold-Catalyzed Intermolecular Alkyne Oxidation
Wu;Yundong a Peng;Sha a Ouyang;Yuejun b Qian;Pengcheng a He;Weimin;a Xiang;Jiannan;a
Preparation and Application of Photoelectrochemical Guanine Sensor
Zhao;Changzhi Zhao;Gaishuang Zhang;Zhaoxia Liang;Junyu
Synthesis of Novel Chiral Stationary Phase Based on Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization and Click Chemistry
Wang;Huaisong a;b Peng;Jiangtao b;c Wei;Jiping b Jiang;An;b;c
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of Ag-doped Hydroxyapatite Antibacterial Agent
Chen;Huajun Xu;Fuqiu Xue;Dong Yang;Yongfu Zhang Qiufen
Determination of Small Molecular Aldehydes in Cigarette Smoke by Extraction and Derivatization in Single Drop
Zhu;Fengjun a Zhang;Jing;a Zheng;Saijing b Liu;Baizhan b Guo;Yinlong;a
Electrocatalysis on Oxidation of Methanol and SERS Investigations of Au@Pt Monolayer Film
Zhang;Caiping Guo;Qinghua Xu;Minmin Yuan;Yaxian Yao;Jianlin Gu;Renao
Studies on the Complexation of di-Amide Based Macrocycles with Pyridine N-oxides
Yang;Dengke a Zeng;Zhijian b Chen;Mujuan a Pan;Shaowu a Yang;Yu a Li;Mei a Lei;Chunyan a Jiang;Lasheng;a
Ti/nano TiO2-ZrO2 Electrode with High Catalytic Activity for Electrocatalytic Reduction of Maleic Acid to Succinic Acid
Xu;Mai Wang;Fengwu Wei;Yijun Zhu;Qiyong Fang;Wenyan Zhu;Chuangao
Simple and Rapid Synthesis of Fe(PO33 with Three-dimensional Networks Morphology by a Novel Thermal Decomposition of Iron Phosphonate
Chen;Lian a Zhang;Yinghong b Zhou;Yiming;a Xie;Kongwei a Chen;Yu a Tang;Yawen a Lu;Tianhong a