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Acta Chimica Sinica
2011 Issue 18
Experimental Studies of Flue Gas Denitrification Using Microwave Irradiation over Activated Carbon
Ma;Shuangchen Jin;Xin Yao;Juanjuan Jin;Yijing Zhang;Bo Dong;Song Shi;Rongxue
H2O2 Biosensor Based on Poly(thionine) and Layer-by-Layer Self-assembly of Carbon Nanotubes and HRP
Yang;Shaoming Huang;Aihua Zha;Wenling Wei;Zhipeng Zheng;Longzhen
Syntheses,Structures and Surface Photo-electric Properties of A Series of Ni(Ⅱ) Coordination Supramolecules
Jin;Jinga Li;Dana Li;Leia Shi;Zhongfenga Liu;Dongweia Niu;Shuyun;a Zhang;Guangningb
Preparation of Ammonia Borane with Ammonia Complex and the Study of Hydrogen Desorption Performance
Zou;Shaoshuang Tao;Zhanliang Chen;Jun
Multiproduct Reactions in High Temperature Water:Model Building and Mechanism Investigation
Wang;Zhizhong Wang;Yuanyuan Chang;Yongjuan Dai;Liyi
Theoretical Studies of Pyrolysis Mechanism of Xylan Monomer
Zhang;Zhia;b Liu;Chao;a Li;Haojiea Huang;Jinbaoa Huang;Xiaolua
Catalytic Combustion of Methane over Ir/ZrO2 Catalysts
Hu;Panjing Meng;Lian Ma;Ruihong Jin;Lingyun Lu;Jiqing Luo;Mengfei
Mechanism and Formation of Pickering-Type Multiple Emulsions Made by One Step Method
Wang;Yiping Yao;Zhiliang Li;Yanchao Liu;Chenwei
Study on Pd Catalysts for Selective Hydrogenation of Acetylene with In Situ DRIFTS
Zhang;Qi Dai;Wei Mu;Wei Zhang;Huoli
DFT Study on the Copolymerization Mechanism of Ethylene with Cyclopentadiene by the Titanium Complexes Bearing Two β-Enaminoketonato Ligands
Wang;Yongxia a;b Duan;Xuemei a Wang;Qin a Li;Yuesheng b Liu;Jingyaoa
Synthesis and Performance of A Novel Poly-nitrogen Compound 1,1’-Azobis-1,2,3-triazole
Li;Yuchuana;b Li;Shenghuaa Qi;Caia Zhang;HuijuanbZhu;Mengyu*;b Pang;Siping;a
Double Stranded DNA Cleaved-nanogold Resonance Scattering Spectral Probe for Assay of Trace UO22+
Zhang;Yi Liang;Aihui Zhou;Lianping Qin;Huimin Ouyang;Huixiang Wang;Pengfei Jiang;Zhiliang
Synthesis of Triarylamine Dyes Containing Secondary Electron-donating Groups and Application in the Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
Liang;Mao Xu;Yingjun Wang;Xuda Liu;Xiujie Sun;Zhe Xue;Song
Label-free and Sandwich Aptamer-based Electrochemical Biosensor for the Determination of Cocaine
Shangguan;Li Qi;Honglan Ling;Chen
DFT Study on the Interaction between Fullerere and Cerium Porphrin
Yan;Anping Sun;Tao Wang;Yibo
Synthesis and Capacitance Performance of Co3O4/CoO/Co/graphite Composite
Li;Yanhua;a;b Huang;Kelonga
Synthesis and Self-Assembly Behavior of Amphiphilic Poly-(ε-caprolactone)-b-poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) Copolymer
Li;Cuizhena;b Zhang;Yana Liu;Jianjinga Lang;Meidong;a