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Acta Chimica Sinica
2011 Issue 10
Terminal Group Effects on Electronic Structure and Carrier Transport Property of Conjugated Bridge of Bithiophene and Benzodithiophene
Du;Songsonga Li;Chunrongb Zhao;Chunmeia Wei;Nia Wang;Wenliang*;a
Electrochemical Study on the Interactions between Enantiomer of 2-(5-Fluorouracil-1-acetyl)amido-1,5-dimethyl Glutarate and Double-stranded/G-quadruplex DNA
Meng;Chenpeng Wang;Shun* Zhang;Kejun Jin;Huile* Chen;Xian Hu;Maolin Xiong;Jing
Preparation of An SPR Sensor Based on Nicosulfuron Molecularly Imprinted Polymer and Its Analytical Application
Zhao;Nana Chen;Changbaoa Zhou;Jie*;a Fan;Jiajinb
Synthesis of Branched Aniline-pyrroline Chromophores and the Research on Their Electro-Optical Properties
Gao;Wua;b Liu;Jialeia;b Chen;Zhuoa;b Hou;Wenjuna;b Bo;Shuhuia Liu;Xinhoua Zhen;Zhen*;a
Theoretical Study of NOx/CO2/H2O Adsorption on BaO(001) Surface
LüNaixia*;a Xu;Xinb
Effect of Modification Extent of Carbon Nanotubes on Electrocatalytic Performance of Pd Nanoparticles for Hydrazine Oxidation
Zhao;Jiayue Zhou;Yiming* Wu;Yunsheng Tang;Yawen Chen;Yu* Lu;Tianhong
Synthesis of YVO4:Eu Fluorescent Nanoparticles and Its Application in the Determination of Malachite Green
Zhai;Han Yu;Yongli* Cheng;Liyan Xu;Shukun Wang;Naizhi
Studies on the Oxidation of Cyclohexene Catalyzed by Chloroper-oxidase in the Presence of Imidazole/pyridine Ionic Liquids
Zhang;Huizhena Jiang;Yucheng*;a;b Hu;Manchenga;b Li;Shunia;b Zhai;Quanguoa;b
Synthesis,Structural Investigation and Properties of A Novel Energetic Coordination Polymer [Pb(tza)2]n
Li;Zhimina Zhang;Guotaoa;b Zhang;Tonglai*;a Zhang;Jianguoa Yang;Lia Zhou;Zunninga Qi;Shuyuana Yu;Kaibeia Zhao;Fengqic Yi;Jianhuac Xu;Siyuc Gao;Hongxuc
Mechanism and Effect of a Phenol Inhibitor on the Oxidation Kinetics of Magnesium Sulfite
Wang; Lidong*;a;b Ma; ongliangb Hao; Jimingb Zhang; Wendia Yuan; Gangb
First Principles Study of H2 Molecule Adsorption on Li3N(100) Surfaces
Du;Ruia;b Chen;Yuhong*;a;b Zhang;Zhilongb Wang;Weichaob Zhang;Caironga;bKang;Longa Luo;Yongchuna
Synthesis and Radio-labeling of 4-Substituted Cyclofenil
Zhu;Huaa;b;d Lin;Jianguoa Shen;Yumei*;b;c
Preparation and Electrochromic Properties of Tetraaniline Films
Zhang;Zengyang Yang;Jiping*;School of Materials Science and Engineering;Beihang University;Beijing 100191)
Theoretical Studies on NH4+(H2O)n(n=1~9) in terms of Quantum Chemistry and ABEEM/MM
Zhao;Feiyao Liu;Cui Gong;Lidong* Yang;Zhongzhi
PLS Variable Selection Procedure in QSAR Study on the Performance of Organic Compounds Through Polyethylene Membrane
Zhang;Yonghonga;b;c Liu;Shushen*;b Xiao;Qianfenb Qin;Litangb Xia;Zhining*;c
Preparation and Characterization of NiO@SiO2@TiO2 Coaxial Trilayered Nanocables
Song;Chao Dong;Xiangting* Wang;Jinxian Liu;Guixia
Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Chitosan/ Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites
Zhao; Qiana Qiu; Dongfangb Wang; Xiaoyanc Liu; Tianxi*;c
Selective Synthesis and Tautomerism of 3-Acetyl-2,3/2,5-dihydro-1,5-benzothiazepines
Qiu;Zhaolaia Wang;Lanzhia Li;Wenhongb Li;Yuan*;a
Study of Cyclodehydration of Methyl(2S,3R)-2,3-Dihydroxy-3-Phenylpropionate with Fluoroalkanesulfonyl Fluoride
Yan;Zhaohua*;a Wei;Menga Tian;Weisheng*;b Guan;Chengboa